If Danny burned down the house why'd he go and stashed the plant at Amy's house?

Why was June in Danny's car when Danny made a run from Amy's house?

I didn't understand why George had to sell the chair to Jordan.

Was someone hiding behind that tree or was it just a metaphor just like the crow's?


Some good questions. Enjoyed the show but it definitely had loose ends.

1. I think Danny was still trying to save himself and was planning on tipping the fire inspector that it was in fact arson and Amy was to blame.

2. i think we are to believe June got in the wrong car (truck)?

3. He thought he had to sell the chair to make the deal for his wife go through. he really didnt his mom actually needed the money.

4. yeah i forgot about that strange shot of the tree/bushes. i dunno.


1-Yeah, he was trying to get the blame off of him because the construction company is under his name so liable much?
2-From some answers gleaned off of Reddit, June was in the garage and went into the truck because she was after some Skittles, which begs the question why let the garage door open? why was the truck's door open?
3-Fair point.
4-As answered below, it could be the jealous church guy sending magazine subscriptions to Danny's mailbox.


I think the someone hiding in the bushes was the jealous church guy. Remember he was saying he just wanted to mess with Danny. He said he got all the magazine subscriptions and put them in Danny's name.




I don't think he burned down the house. He just said that to get his brother to leave him. He admitted to using the wrong wiring.


I thought Amy burned down the house and Danny thought that as well. However, when the inspector told him there was wrong wiring he then thought it was his fault. Otherwise, why show Amy eating at BK after the fire started? But on the other hand a fire inspector should be able to tell if faulty wiring caused a fire or not.
