Pretty sad ending

Nothing really changed. I felt bad mostly for Sean Suiter. Going strictly by the series, he seemed like a good guy. He was caught in a web of corruption and did what anyone would do, leave.

But that wasn’t enough.

Even the portrayal of death has some controvery.


Is this a miniseries ? is it worth watching? Interesting given it's from the wire creator(s).


Yes. It just concluded. It is really good.


Because of the irony of it all i actually exploded in laughter when there was the text explaining what happened to the the real police commissioner after 4 months at the position as well as to the real mayor...


I confess. I laughed at that part. They fired the guy that actually wanted to make some changes, and hired a guy that got arrested four months later. Same with the mayor.

You see the Wire and watch this show from 20 years later and you see nothing has changed for the better. In fact, it is worse.


Eh, the commissioner kept putting blame on his predecessors while at best being a sour supporter of the DOJ 's suggestions.
