MovieChat Forums > Dexter: New Blood (2021) Discussion > Could they have really proved he was The...

Could they have really proved he was The Bay Harbor Butcher?

Assuming thats why Dexter got desperate and killed Logan to escape, he knew Batista was coming and i guess knew he was gonna be exposed as The Bay Harbor Butcher and had no choice but to run.

But really could they prove he was him? Dexter faking his death could be explained by what he told Angela, he just felt he was cursed and everyone would be better off if he was gone. I guess the needle marks and same drug link them but its still a stretch imo, there was no bodies chopped up in iron Lake.

i just don't think there was concrete proof he's The Bay Harbor Butcher, if he stayed in custody he could have gotten off imo.


I think he might have gotten off too. But, Battista might have gone the extra mile to implicate Dexter since Battista and Doakes knew eachother for 10 years and were both detectives. Doakes never trusted Dexter, and maybe Battista would have finally seen the light. All Battista would have to do is trace the Ketamine that Dexter used in all Dexters victims, and it would have lead to Dexter. Now, would Battista have been able to find a DA willing to prosecute Dexter for any of those killings? It would have been hard to prove, and also, a jury might have been sympathetic to Dexter. Poor old Dex might still have found his way to the electric chair.


Exactly, which is why i thought him breaking out of jail and killing Logan was a bit dumb, there was nothing to really prove Dexter was The Bay Harbor Butcher, was just their word against his really. Not like he was on video disposing of a body or his prints was on a murder weapon.


Battista loved Dexter.


What ketamine? The half life of ketamine in an adult is about 2 to 2.5 hours. Remember while Dexter dosed his victims with ketamine, he also took the time to strip them, tie them to a table and then talk to them before killing them. Now he didn't dump the bodies at the medical examiners office he dumped them in the ocean in pieces. So the ability to detect ketamine in the bodies would not really exist. Nor would the skin have been intact enough to show where he had even injected them because skin doesn't hold up that well when dumped in the ocean. The whole connection to the Bay Harbor murders was complete bullshit that Dexter would have been well aware of. Remember they had tried to pin it on hm in the past and never succeeded... are we to believe a back woods cop that has zero access to the complete autopsy files would be able to magically pin this on Dexter? It was farfetched to put it mildly.


I’ll just flat out say that they would have never linked Dexter to The Bay Harbor Butcher killings.

The discovery of those bodies was done long before Harrison was born. This new show is supposed to have taken place around 10 years after the first one ended, when Harrison was around 4 years old.

So, it’s been, least 15 years since the Bay Harbor Butcher killings were discovered.

And, let’s not forget that Dexter broke the air conditioning of the discovered bodies causing them to rot.

I doubt a DA would bring a case against Dexter for that. Even if they did, the case would’ve probably fallen apart in pre-trial motions due to lack of probable cause.


Spot on, thats why i felt Dexter killing Logan and trying to go on the run was unbelievably dumb, they had nothing on him linking him to the Bay Harbor Butcher killings, but him killing Logan and escaping pretty much told them he was indeed The Bay Harbor Butcher, or at the very least told him he's a killer.

He was acting as if they had concrete proof and he was for sure going down and getting the death penalty. She couldn't even prove he killed Matt ffs let alone all those victims from a 15 year old case that has been publicly solved for 15 years. There was in no way enough evidence for a judge or jury to be convinced Doakes is innocent all cause 2 people had a needle mark on their necks with the same drug in their system.

If they found trash bags with chopped up bodies in the lake next to Dexter's house that would be some serious proof, but just the needle marks and same drug used on 2 junkies isn't nearly enough proof to put Dexter away and clear Doakes' name.

That was just terrible writing imo and it all felt really rushed and undeserved cause they wanted to quickly end the show with a neat little bow.
