MovieChat Forums > Men in Black³ (2012) Discussion > You know what would've been interesting?...

You know what would've been interesting? If they actually stuck with the "racism was pretty fuckin bad in the 60's"

But after the dude in the elevator and the cops pulling him over, it's never brought up again. Just feels like a committee thinking "well, we gotta at least mention it or it don't make no sense".

There were so many scenes where it should've at least been hinted, like even in the background somewhere: Not being served at the pie restaurant, some kinda public transport debacle, K questioning why he got a smartmouthing black partner in the future, or maybe the cops don't get flashed and get some kinda retribution later on.

Or ya know, just leave it out entirely. Maybe an approachable family film shouldn't include such an uncomfortable subject. Either double down or leave that shit out


Leaving racism out entirely would not have been realistic, after all part of the story takes place in areas that were officially, legally segregated. But it shouldn't have been the main focus of the story, either.

Still, I'm sorry that they didn't take the chance for J to neuralize some Klan members into joining the Civil Rights movement, and have them walk away singing "We Shall Overcome".


the dude with the newspaper on the elevator did NOT want J standing close to him.


try to make it a lil less obvious that you don't actually read the posts you comment on, just kinda glance at the title


Because it would be a completely different film...? If they included realistic racism it wouldn't be a comedy and literally nothing would get accomplished because racism's whole goal is to interrupt people's daily lives. You wouldn't be able to watch one scene without them having to address a racial issue. Why would anyone want to watch that movie?

There's no reason why "double down or leave it out" should be the only options. They said just enough and it was nice to suspend disbelief for a moment to see the story come to a well-rounded ending. By the way you know what else wasn't realistic? All the time travel and aliens.


Good response except for that last thing about the time travel and alien shit. One of the most offensively bad arguments that I consistently see


My point is that films are not meant to be realistic. They're meant to tell a story. I don't really care that my valid point is repeated so often that it bothers you.


it's a bad argument because it doesn't make sense. When people talk about realism, they mean that they want it to be consistent within the world it has set up. If time travel showed up in NCFOM out of nowhere, your argument would be valid. But if it's set up properly, it isn't.


"If they included realistic racism it wouldn't be a comedy and literally nothing would get accomplished because racism's whole goal is to interrupt people's daily lives."

Disagree STRONGLY. Ever see the Chappelle show?

"There's no reason why "double down or leave it out" should be the only options. They said just enough and it was nice to suspend disbelief for a moment to see the story come to a well-rounded ending."



Uh, what? Are you saying The Chappelle Show has realistic racism? Lmao it's not realistic. That's why it's funny. Realism in the Black community includes struggle, tragedy, trauma, disappointment, etc. Again, that wouldn't be involved in anything aiming for comedy.


No. No, no, no.

If you think that the racism the Chappelle show held up to the collective consciousness wasn't "realistic," you haven't been paying attention the past few years.

Or you have a different definition of "realistic" than the dictionary. You can parse language all you like, but the idea. . .as with ANY comedy. . .is to examine basic truths in absurdist frameworks. In other words, taking the "struggle, tragedy, trauma, disappointment, etc." and spinning it into ridiculous scenarios. Like so:


This is where you draw the plausibility line for a Men in Black film? 🤣


You need to get a life
