its pointless

its almost like they didn't think it through, the main character is just a bag of plot armor going from one point to the next in a series of senseless fetch quests. The characters behave irrationally and lack depth, they are basically just plot devices. Echo's powers don't make sense at all.

Its a total waste of time and i give it a rating of 3/10 stars....
you are better off just watching a review on youtube


Here's one lol:


Drinker's critiques are more entertaining and thoughtful than most of the garbage churned out by the likes of Disney and Marvel. I was LMAO while watching his video on Robyn Hood, esp. when he kept calling her Rob-yin haha.

Guess I'll never accept "THE MESSAGE".


And how true this is (at 5:29): "When it comes to casting roles like this, you usually have to choose between fighters who can't act or actors who can't fight, but unfortunately Alaqua Cox can't seem to do either."


His videos are definitely fun to watch if you want to laugh at an idiot for 20 minutes.




I love his work - he speaks with common sense, is articulate, hilarious, to the point and literally dissects the material he's critiquing by pointing out scenes, acting, performances, plot, story etc and also shows you how & why he arrives at the conclusion. He's spot on with a lot the things he says and is one of the most recognized phenoms in YouTube.

You can call him an idiot, just like leftist morons and others call people like Jordan Peterson names, but that doesn't mean anything because you're just an anonymous troll spewing garbage online. And you've got pathetic simps like Cuckwalski agreeing with you, which automatically shows you're in the wrong lol.

Anyway, let's hope the Drinker doesn't take your powerful criticism of him to heart and do anything rash. Carry on, TheReacharounder.
