MovieChat Forums > The Hunger Games (2012) Discussion > Whatever happened to Jennifer Lawrence?

Whatever happened to Jennifer Lawrence?

She was poised to become the biggest Hollywood actress in decades.

Then Harvey Weinstein went down, and she went down with him.

Why is that?


Part of it had to do with the fact that she chose to act in several films that were dogshit, such as "Joy," "mother!" and "Passengers," and when people heard what she said about Trump, her movies got downvoted and review-bombed into oblivion. I'm not sure her association with Weinstein had anything to do with her downfall, though now that I think about it, didn't her decline in stardom coincide with the #metoo movement starting and him getting arrested in 2017?

That, and she wasn't smart enough to promote her own brand through her Manager, (I mean, what can you expect from a middle-school dropout?) so things eventually went crashing down really fast for her. In fact, when she saw her career falling faster than a burning airplane, she decided to "take a hiatus" for a couple of years and got politically active, which is Hollywood talk for "My career is almost dead, so I'm gonna disappear and only sometimes come out of the ether to spew political shit to get attention, but people will forget about me again right after."


She was never poised to become the biggest Hollywood actress in decades. Who told you that?

She was one of those actors that Hollywood tires to push as New Movie Stars once in few years when suddenly "nobody" gets cast in everything and is in press all the time promoting it. Then they disappear as they came - instantly and suddenly.

Suddenly they stop receiving all those big scripts they used to.

Jennifer Lawrence got lucky to get in those 2 big franchises - Hunger Games and X Men and had few years to show up and promote it and be everywhere. Hollywood thought she became now big deal and was pushing her for awards. Really thinking that she is huge Movie Star since Hunger Games and X-Men were getting big money. But it was the Franchise that was getting money. No one came just to see her.

Hunger Games ended in 2015, X-Men: Apocalypse ended in 2016. And so her relevance started drifting away since she didnt had those movies to promote every year anymore. Not to mention her 3 solo movies Passengers, Mother!, Red Sparrow flopped. Then she decided to lay low and have a baby. And people completely forgot about her existence. And no one casts her as lead actress in expensive movies anymore since will not get 100 millions at the box-office on her name.

Thats what happened to her. Oh and she is 32 now and is not 25-years old up and coming actress anymore.

But yeah, it is funny that when Harvey Weinstein went down - so went down her career. I personally do believe something might have happened. He was pushing all those young actresses for a benefit.


I personally cannot see the connection (I don't deny it, but I just don't see it relative to the quality of her movies) to Harvey Weinstein. Maybe she had some badly reviewed movies that made her change her casting choices/take a break.
The recent Don't Look Up is a very nice role for her and a good movie, and honestly can be seen as her career going up, playing acting roles more than big budget star roles. Causeway - plan to see.
I disagree about the best things she was is were the Hunger Games and X-Men. Best things she was in were Winter's Bone, Silver Linings Playbook and Don't Look Up, and worst things were HG series. Doesn't seem like a downward trend to me.

Only person that fits your description that comes to my mind is Gal Gadot. That one was poised to become something but became absolutely nothing despite all the positive publicity she got because she has the acting ability and personality of a wet carrot(quoting Trey and Matt here)
