katniss is boring

the character is not very interesting or unique in the slightest. she's a strong tough girl with some attitude, but not too much attitude. she just kinda exists and is always the best, scores the highest, etc. even when she fucks up, like letting herself get stung by the superbees and losing that knife fight, she somehow survives because the movie says she has to. i also dont get why someone from lowly district 12 would enter the materialistic capital and be met with applause instead of jaunts or boos. she's just written to be loved from the beginning. it would've been more refreshing to see her be awful and hated by everyone but rise to the top due to her own wit and skill. and nobody in 75 years has ever volunteered before??? you're telling me everyone has willingly let their 12-year-old siblings enter a death match? makes no sense. no way katniss would be the first.




Yes. The book has a much better feel and provides a lot more insight into why things are the way they are and the motivations of the characters.


Both the 2012 movie and Book are solid peak YA Franchise


I didn't think Divergent (the book) was bad, but its sequels were not good at all. The film not so great either.

The Hunger Games is much better in all aspects. The peak of YA for sure.


I disagree. Katniss is a great character precisely because she's flawed. This would have been terrible with a Mary Sue Rey in the lead.


She is literally a Mary Sue in the lead though. She's barely flawed at all. Everything she does is perfect and she's loved and hailed from minute one.


* eyeroll *


She's a very boring protagonist, I agree. All the characters around her are far more interesting. Like Woody and Lenny and the crazy makeup lady and Stanley Tucci. I mean the blonde kid ain't too damn interesting either. I have no idea how the books are. But the world itself and all the people in it are intriguing. Then you have these two dull as dirt turds stuck in the middle of it.
