MovieChat Forums > The Hunger Games (2012) Discussion > Hate the way this was shot/edited.

Hate the way this was shot/edited.

So hadn't seen this since the original release, and having enjoyed all the sequels and then read the books, I came back to it .. and honestly, I find this entry barely watchable. Right off the bat, the style is choppy. The camera is forever shaky, WAY too many close-up shots, and the editing is so frenetic its hard to keep pace with where you are in the scene.. and this is the OPENING ACT where there is very little actual action happening!

It survives because of the narrative and Jlaw … but honestly, the filmmaking is awful.

Thank God they replaced Ross for the excellent CATCHING FIRE!


You're not the first to complain about the hand held filming. Garry Ross' explanation
is that it was used to increase the immediacy, especially in the blood bath at the
Cornucopia. As far as editing goes it is fairly restrained compared to the MTV style
quick cut editing seen in some recent films.


I actually really liked the way it was shot




The shaky cam was the number one thing that killed it for me, that and the lack of violence


It's PG-13, why were you expecting over the top gore? but yet the violence in this film is pretty R rated but the shaky camera and quick cuts gave it a very hard PG-13


It’s because I remember the book being MUCH more violent, bloody, and brutal, and I was hoping the movie would be the same way


No issues here. Absolutely love the music & atmosphere throughout.
