Such a good movie

The summery is a bit misleading. the friendship with the activist is part of the movie, but it is much more. Very funny and very moving.


I am around 30 minutes into this and it is a unique one. I am not sure where they are going with it, but all the reviews are good so I'll keep going.


I thought Nico Parker is very good here and the film has some nice effective, emotional moments. My rating is a 7/10 and I would rank it as 9th amongst the films I watched this year.


It was pretty good. The mom was a monster but I understood it. It was a tough watch.


With such a strong cast I was a bit let down. It was almost an after school special. Also, how appropriate was an older man befriending a 17 year old, allowing her to be alone with him and drive his car? It just was too sappy for these established actors. I wont remember it in a few weeks and its a shame because had they steered clear of the house parties, and the unrealistic parts, it wouldve been a hit.
