MovieChat Forums > Ahsoka (2023) Discussion > Disappointed with Episode 6

Disappointed with Episode 6

If you love Blade Runner, you'll love this episode.


I'm not following your comparison to BR.


I think they are referencing the pacing, which is glacial.


Series in general is pretty slow and I've been frustrated. But ep 4 & 6 were why I continue to watch. I'd recommend ppl binge it when it's all out.


But ep 4 & 6 were why I continue to watch.

Good call! The best episodes thus far...


I didn't want to spoil anything.


I far preferred Episode 6 to the last one.

This really wasn't far off feeling like authentic Star Wars.

Sure you could say it was a bit derivative - I mean they barely redressed the Sand people and the Jawas (!) and the musical cues are straight from the OT but all the same - Surely less derivative than the beat for beat effort that was TFA...

There's also a bit of what might have been with elements of the old EU Hier To The Empire plot being reused here. It's a million times better than Disney's first efforts with the ST. At least this feels like Star Wars and a genuine attempt at making a what happened after ROTJ storyline.

Can't say I'm impressed with the space whales though...


The whales are just a plot device. Nothing fancy, gets the job done. They're the ones responsible for hauling the Star Destroyer out to Peridea and marooning them.


Yeah, appreciate that.

Just think it's a real bad one carried over from a cartoon (where I don't think it really belonged either but hey, it's a cartoon!).

No issue with the continuation of the Rebels characters story, just wish they'd been vaguer in the live action show with what happened. e.g. They could easily have just said there was some hyperdrive malfunction and they had no idea where they'd gone and worked it from there.

The whales just cheapen it.
