Worst movie of the three....

Just finished watching this one.

The first movie was the best with the odd characters, the edgy uncomfortable backhistory, and the unsettling mysterious conspiracy you just didn't know where it was going to end up. No, I hadn't read the books.

The first movie could stand on its own, easily.

The second movie expanded things a bit, but couldn't be quite as shocking or new because you already knew the main characters. Still a good story and movie; just not as good as the first.

Now this third movie - with all the hype purporting to tie everything up neatly, etc. Other than a few scenes, it just seemed uneven - dull in parts, jerking along, always waiting for the drama/action to start (which it rarely did), and oh yes, I suppose it did tie up the main threads but it was rather a dullish conclusion.

Not a "bad" movie as really bad movies go, just the weak sister in this trilogy.


After reading this thread (and a number of others) it seems that most think the triology is more "made for TV" than real movie studio made films. With all due respects for the Europeans many if not most of the films from Europe don't have the quality of American made movies. But it boils down to money. American made films generally (especially based on popular novels) have better financing so they can produce more quality films.

But these 3 films just can't cram all the background and action of the books into short films. Just too much is left out in my opinion which leaves the viewer wondering about a lot of the plot and sub-plots.

I urge everyone to read the books first then watch the films to better understand the characters. A little knowledge of Swedish history since WWII would help too. Even in the books there is a lot of meandering and lots of coffee drinking (it seems on every page).

All in all it is a great story, even believeable knowing what some autistic folks can do and their lack of emotional attachments. I did enjoy all 3 movies, the second lacking, and perhaps the last one is best.

My favorite: "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"



I agree with many of your comments especially about the first film that can definitely stand alone. I found this one better than The Girl who Played with Fire where it felt as though the energy flagged and although we get the back story I found it unsatisfying. In this one I felt a return to form for Lisbeth and found the trial and her interactions with various characters during it fascinating and deeply affecting. I delayed watching this as I was so disappointed with the second one after Dragon Tattoo.

I'd rate them as
Dragon Tattoo - 10/10
Played with Fire - 7/10
Hornets' Nest - 9/10

I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl


I agree. The first was fantastic, the second was great, this was dull.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: 9
The Girl Who Played with Fire: 8
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest: 5


I agree. I like the first one a lot, and the second one was pretty good, but this was fairly disappointing. It started off strong and had an equally solid ending, but everything in the middle just dragged and I just kind of lost interest most of the time.


I agree. I would not say it was bad film but was the least impressive of the trilogy. It lacked urgency and a certain "punch" the first two installments had. I'm not American and I loved Dragon Tattoo (It's in my top films list) I still think David Fincher is making a very unneeded remake for lazy people who cant read subtitles or watch a dubbed version.


LOVED the books, but lasted only about an hour into this movie. It was DEADLY, DEADLY DULL. Do Swedes never show emotion at all?? Awful!



(Oh...and yes...I am an American. And after watching the half-wit Swedes in this movie, proud of it.)

"Sometimes the right thing to do is the wrong thing" -- Jason Stackhouse


Funny you say that, I thought number two was the worst part of the trilogy (especially the first hour, awful editing, mise en scene, cinematography and some of the acting was atrocious), number three felt a bit long sometimes but still captivating. My favourite one is definitely number 1 (Swedish and American versions, very different but equally entertaining.
