Worst movie of the three....

Just finished watching this one.

The first movie was the best with the odd characters, the edgy uncomfortable backhistory, and the unsettling mysterious conspiracy you just didn't know where it was going to end up. No, I hadn't read the books.

The first movie could stand on its own, easily.

The second movie expanded things a bit, but couldn't be quite as shocking or new because you already knew the main characters. Still a good story and movie; just not as good as the first.

Now this third movie - with all the hype purporting to tie everything up neatly, etc. Other than a few scenes, it just seemed uneven - dull in parts, jerking along, always waiting for the drama/action to start (which it rarely did), and oh yes, I suppose it did tie up the main threads but it was rather a dullish conclusion.

Not a "bad" movie as really bad movies go, just the weak sister in this trilogy.


I loved 'Dragon'

I liked 'Fire also...

I loved Noomi Rapace... and when she was in action the movies were best..

Her being tied up most of the movie.. was not as exciting...
and some parts bothered me...

Niederman... just random violence...total extraneous to the story.
if he would have actually went after someone meaningful to the story... it would have helped...

in the previous movies, Lisbeth always was prepared wherever she went... taser or whatever...yet she goes to the warehouse unprepared... and somehow finds a nailgun... that was loaded and charged...beyond belief...

the conspiracy group was listening in on Millenium...yet did nothing with that information...I thought Plague was going to be in trouble when he was mentioned at Millenium... but instead was conveniently able to trail the doctor and the doctor was stupid enough to be caught in public...beyond belief..

but I liked the court scenes... and how things tied together...
and the ending made sense also...

just compared to the other 2...was like a weak sister.

still I have no intention of watching the remakes...
these are the ones for me.


I agree with the OP. The forced "Thanks for saving my life and getting the bad guys for me" was completely underwhelming.


3 was very cool until the TEASING climax. What's the point of having this almost wonderful looking showdown, and then nothing happens. I wanted a 10 minute fight scene....hello??..... Am i the only one that wanted to see her big bro throw those biker guys around like dolls? This should have been a massive action scene. I feel 100% ripped off. Hopefully Fincher will give us the book ending, Lisbeth watches part of the final battle and also invites Micke into her apartment.


Loved all three films equally, each creating their own plot twists and nail-biting suspense. Rapace is just amazing as Lisbeth. Great films, all three of them.

From the US here, and I have no desire to see the English language remakes.

The flip side of fear is understanding.


Have to agree with this being the worst in the series. This movie didn't kick any hornets' nest, but instead a huge bucket. Too much jibber jabber. A complete snorefest. The first movie was OK though, with the second less so.


I liked it almost as much as the first one when it easily could have been better, but it seemed like the movie makers were a bit fatigued and didn't go the full measure. Would have been more entertaining to see more of the half-brother in action. This guy could have rivaled Anton Chigurh as a fascinating character -- great potential wasted, IMHO -- too much Frankenstein and not enough Max Cady. It had all the right elements -- charismatic sexy powerful female lead, brilliant sensitive ethical male lead, an excellent cast of interesting support players, intelligent courtroom drama, great political scandal backdrop, yet it didn't quite deliver the goods. I'm excited about what Fincher may do with it all and looking forward to it!



I agree that this was the worst movie. The camera work was terrible. I lost count (seriously) of the amount of extras in scenes who kept looking into the camera. And the guy who played her non-pain feeling brother was terrible in this one. He worked in the second but in this one I really saw how poorly he acts.

And the END FIGHT between him and the girl at the end has to be one of the worst fight/chases I have seen in movie history.

And the end was terrible too. She hardly thanks the guy for doing so much work and then closes the door.



I saw this film last night and I definitely felt let down. The second film was not as good as the first, but I enjoyed it. At the end of this one I thought "so what... is that all there is?"

The fact Salander was inactive for almost the whole film and that we knew the DVD would get her off, etc just made the film a bit pointless and dull. Added to this was the dullness of the Millenium characters and their interactions as well as the vagueness of the whole plot against Salander. I never really got a sense of the conspirators being real characters and their motivations were never really clear enough to motivate the plot enough.

The livelier scenes were well-handled I thought: the attack in the restaurant and the final confrontation with the half-brother being low-key but tense in their execution.

However, a major disappointment.


I agree with the OP. This third film just seemed to meander along with no sense of drama or excitement. It seemed to be more intent on tying up all the loose ends rather than offering us a cinematic experience.
The courtroom scenes were remarkable only for their total lack of suspense. There was never really any doubt the Lisbeth was going to get one over on the wicked doctor and hapless prosecutor.
The final fight scene between Lisbeth and her brother was woeful, probably one of the worst fight scenes I've ever witnessed!
Oh, and just how useless were the 2 extra staff of Millennium? What exactly did they bring to the film?

At the end, everyone in the film seemed tired and happy to get it over with. I know how they felt.



I never really got a sense of the conspirators being real characters and their motivations were never really clear enough to motivate the plot enough.
I agree -- the cabal of old men should/could have been scarier.

Even the scene with the assassin in the hospital, which sets us up for these retirees to be a serious menace, is not handled in a way that makes us feel terrified enough. That Cold War espionage plot should have provided some nice sinister tension all the way through, but instead of feeling "oh what a narrow escape for our heroes!" we just see people whose plots keep fumbling and bumbling.

Also, I love courtroom dramas. This was not one that gripped me.

All in all, much too flaccid for a supposed suspense thriller.

Speaking of flaccid, though, I felt sort of inspired by Lisbeth's physical rehabilitation scenes to tighten up my own self. (insert chuckle at own expense)

last 2 dvds: Khaneh siah ast (1963) & Don Giovanni (1979)


Agree with OP, just a poor film, after such promise in the first one.

