Worst movie of the three....

Just finished watching this one.

The first movie was the best with the odd characters, the edgy uncomfortable backhistory, and the unsettling mysterious conspiracy you just didn't know where it was going to end up. No, I hadn't read the books.

The first movie could stand on its own, easily.

The second movie expanded things a bit, but couldn't be quite as shocking or new because you already knew the main characters. Still a good story and movie; just not as good as the first.

Now this third movie - with all the hype purporting to tie everything up neatly, etc. Other than a few scenes, it just seemed uneven - dull in parts, jerking along, always waiting for the drama/action to start (which it rarely did), and oh yes, I suppose it did tie up the main threads but it was rather a dullish conclusion.

Not a "bad" movie as really bad movies go, just the weak sister in this trilogy.


i liked this a lot better than the second movie. the second movie seemed to ignore all the interesting plot points in favor of cliches. and the ending was so absurdly laughable. i just couldnt take it seriously. this one to me was very interesting and character driven. while it didnt really feel like it could measure up to the first one. it still felt like a worthwhile story.



I'm watching the movie for the first time and I came to see if anyone noticed. Three parallel plots:

1 - Old guys in suits walking around talking; when they actually DO something, like kill, it either happens off-camera or in a blunt, matter-of-fact way.

2 - Lisbeth hovering on a hospital bed.

3 - Journalists reading e-mails and having editorial meetings.

I haven't gotten to the courtroom parts yet. Hanging in in the hopes that Lisbeth will wear something interesting, put on a little eyeliner, make a scene, whatever.

Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.



"Worst movie of the three.... "

OK, I'd agree with that but that doesn't mean that "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" was a bad movie (imo). I gave it 7/10 (8/10 for the first two films).

* My main issue with "Hornet's Nest" was that in the middle it focused on too many characters in the conspiracy of The Section. My wife got completely lost and I had to explain some of the story to her. And even I wasn't sure about every chracter was who was an informant, government agent, a former special police officer, or just a thug.

But besides that clutter of characters in the middle, the movie was fine.

Noomi is great in this. The villains work and the Millenium characters are fine including Mikael.
Finally, Lisbeth's ability to overcome her demons and who was against her was very satisfying.
BB ;-)

it's just in my opinion - imo -


Completely agree, this was a boring, excruciating nonsense. I also have 0 sympathy for the main character, I despise her.

It is fun and games until someone gets caught. Then it's rape.



Why do you despise her?


I've watched the full extended Millennium trilogy and there's a massive difference between the first film and the subsequent two. Literally everything that makes Dragon Tattoo great (lead chemistry, mystery, isolate setting) is missing from the sequels so I'm going to just forget them and trade up for the tighter theatrical version of the first film as a standalone. Same feelings I had for the Bourne trilogy.

