MovieChat Forums > The White Lotus (2021) Discussion > who is your favorite and less favorite c...

who is your favorite and less favorite character?

my less favorite is the wealthy fatty oldish blond, i found her character overly stereotypical and not funny; the two young girls were simply acting out and being overly woke because that's the popular thing at their age.

my favorite would be Shane, full of energy, overconfident and slightly arrogant; of course his family is very rich so it rigs the game but i enjoyed watching him; and as far as not getting the room his mom paid for i totally agree with him he was right to keep pushing the hotel manager.


Hey! That’s Stiflers mom you’re ripping on! 😂…but I agree, she was super annoying. I think that’s just the character, though. Plus she fucked over that masseuses dreams or at least led her on.

Armond stole the show for me.


S1 Favorite: Olivia and Paula

S1 least favorite: Tanya and Shane
