What a waste of talent

You've got two chicks with some the hottest bodies in Hollywood (Daddario and Sydney Sweeney) and all they've given us is a single Daddario titty while laying flat on her back for like 2 seconds. AND instead of giving them a hot sex scene we get a PG-13 sex scene with Sweeney's frumpy wokescold friend and a X Rated turbo gay ass eating scene. Homosexuals are overrepresented in media.


mike white wrote this, didn't he get started in Hwood with his movie "chuck and buck..."


Never watched it but it sounds awful.


It *was* quite the jump from a Dawson's Creek-style sex scene to a "PornHub XXX Gay" rimjob. Not a show you can watch with your parents. Where do we go from here? I guess Steve Zahn giving his son head might be the only next logical step.
