MovieChat Forums > Napoleon (2023) Discussion > How to make Napoleon look like a beta ma...

How to make Napoleon look like a beta male and man child (spoilers)

It might as well be made by a feminist. Or an art movie director getting way too much money, because it is slow and boring.

If you think this is a war movie, think again. The battles are window dressings rather than the theme of the movie.

Napoleon is presented as an awkward, clumsy, nerdy and non social cuckold, who married the first woman showed him her boobs. Why am I thinking of Will Smith? Maybe that is where the real life inspiration came from, Napoleon's relationship with his wife that is.

There are places in this movie were kind of funny, especially when Napoleon had council members surrounded by his army with guns pointing at them, and say:"Shall we vote?".

There is one thing you won't see in the movie is a brilliant man, if you want to see Napoleon as more of a loser, then this is your movie.

After watching I can not shake the feeling that Napoleon is quite lame, a man with almost no redeeming qualities. Yeah, the movie poster tagline is a lie.

Anyway I think that is what happens when you let an English director making a movie about a French conqueror.

Ridley Scott said in an interview that the French audience he showed this movie to loved it, now I know for sure he was lying.


Coincidentally Ridley Scott was granted OBE (Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) by King Charles III in 2024.

So just few days ago.

I am guessing the King decided that most definitely after watching this movie.


Everyone always mad that the British beat them. They have boats, ya know?!


That is another funny (childish) line from Napoleon in the movie.

But in all seriousness we don't know how Napoleon was defeated, some even confused on whether he was defeated. We also don't know much about what contributed to his success before.

Nor did we gain any insights or interpretation of the political manoeuvres between those countries, other than they just happened.

It was so empty compare to the Oppenheimer movie, which had so much.

I think Christopher Nolan would have done a far better version of Napoleon.


There are people say they want to see the 4 hour version.


This movie is 2 and a half hours of nothing, how would the extra hour and half help?


I lasted 45 minutes and shut it off. Phoenix played the guy like an effeminate simp on lithium. Scene after scene of Phoenix walking around with this blank stare and dunce expression. He was like the French version of Forrest Gump but without any wit or charm


Yeah, I don't understand all the praises, even from male critics and reviewers.

Maybe people's taste in movies could be that different.
