Josephine's kids

What happened to Josephine's kids in all this? She had a young son and a young daughter.


The young daughter told Napoleon about the death of her mother. The son was a general under Napoleon, but for nothing shown in the movie. After the abdication he became neutral and thus also not relevant for the story. Maybe the older son is in the extended cut.


But all the time they were growing up they weren't shown.

Do you know who his great great great grand nephew was? (Hope I got that right)


I saw it, nice trivia, but who cares. You just have to go back enough in time to get everyone related to everyone. They say Obama (and nearly all other US presidents) is related to King John (the one from Robin Hood and the Magna Carta).
If I remember correctly, the male Bonaparte line completly died out (the one directly related to Napoleon by his parents). Only the female line survived.

Regarding the kids: they were irrlevant to the story, so its good they were cut out. Not sure, if they had actors, beside Napoleons mother and brother (the daughter was married to another one!), I lost track of most other people. The daugthers son became Napoleon III or better said the last relevant Bonaparte.


Rene Aubsrjonois


Rene Aubsrjonois


I completely missed the part where the step-son served under Napoleon. I thought he was the one who sold Napoleon’s love letters at the end. Between that and getting the sword back, he completely disappeared.


Like Chuck on Happy Days?
