MovieChat Forums > Death at a Funeral (2010) Discussion > It's not the all black cast that bothers...

It's not the all black cast that bothers me....

Said it once I'll say it again. It's the way they changed the movie. They took a great movie that had nothing to do with race and had to put race crap in it! Why?
Remake a three year old movie? Lazy.
All black cast? Whatever.
Take the humor that made the original so great and dumb it down? Rediculous.
"She may be in twelth grade, but dat ass is in grad school. Um" *Shudder*
Look, I'm not exactly an "anti remake nazi". Taking an older movie and modernizing it, I am not opposed to as long as it's done well. Heck, "I Am Legend" was great and I'm actually starting to get excited about seeing the remake of my favorite movie, Clash of the Titans. (we'll have to see)
However, how annoyed would people be if, lets say next year they came out w/ a remake of The Dark Knight...only Uwe Boll gets to direct it, and they get the comedic writer from all those aweful "American Pie" sequals get involved? Oh yeah!! And Michael Bay gets to add all the action scenes!! And just for fun how about an all hispanic cast?
I ask again...WHY???


However, how annoyed would people be if, lets say next year they came out w/ a remake of The Dark Knight...only Uwe Boll gets to direct it, and they get the comedic writer from all those aweful "American Pie" sequals get involved? Oh yeah!! And Michael Bay gets to add all the action scenes!! And just for fun how about an all hispanic cast?
I ask again...WHY???

What an awful example.

LOL Big budgeted movies are not the type of films that get remade a few years after its release. Especially a movie that has made close to a billion worldwide.

Considering The Dark Knight is a movie based on a comic book character, the plot isn't really original.

As for an all Hispanic cast? Hispanics aren't a race you know that right? Also, Caesar Romero is giving a Joker laugh in his grave. By the way, Heath Ledger is Australian and Christian Bale is British. The Batman and the Joker are American characters.


Why yes it was an awful example!! My husband and I had a fun time putting it together, being huge comic book nerd!! Honestly, if it was done we would have bought it and put it between "Dare Devil" & "Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama" on our dvd shelves!!!!
You have to admit, it was creative at least!? ;-)


Unfortunately, I've been to a lot of funerals over the years and the majority of those typically attending are relatives or fellow church members of the deceased. With this being about an African American man's funeral, it would only make sense that the majority of those attending would be African Americans. If it were a funeral for a man from the North End in Boston, I would expect the majorty of those attending his funeral to be Italian and/or Catholic. I guess I just think your point isn't one.


aaaannnnyyyoonnneee tthhhheeerreee?



The only thing wrong with this movie is Tracy Morgan. He ruined "Cop Out" and he ruins this movie as well.


Okay so first let's just say that if you have an issue with a remake of a movie that actually pi**es you off then maybe you need to get out more and just get over the remake factor. The first one is a british movie and not everyone in America likes British movies and weird as it may seem can't understand the jokes because they are british terminology. I'm not saying me... I watched and liked Shaun of the Dead.

I'm not even going to touch the comments on it being an all black cast and that they made black jokes... any idiot can see why. Movies from other countries are remade here all the time, we usually don't catch onto it or care that much. Examples The Ring, The Grudge, I Now Prounce you Chuck and Larry (yes this movie) and mountains of others... who cares? It was funny... both of them.

I saw the remake first and I like them equally. Obviously the original came first but I like the american version better honestly. No I'm not high or drunk or stupid it's just my opinion... shocking people have those!! Not everyone likes same movie... I probably like the american version better cause I saw it first... who the f knows and who the f cares.

Oh and about the 3 years old thing... again Hollywood doesn't care...after all they're going to redo Spiderman.


Why would an all black cast bother you even so? Did you not see the two famous white actors in the movie anyway? You are complaining about nothing. So what if it was a remake. I swear most people on imdb are just racist. Don't tell me they aren't either-just look at any movie with more then 4 black actors and it gets low rates and a whole bunch of racist crap on the movies board.

The original was a British movie so I'm going to guess and say a majority of Americans have not seen it. GET OVER IT! You can see the title it's the exact same title as the other movie so no duh it's going to be a remake. No one forces you to go see a movie so don't go see it if the original came out "only 3 years ago". Just another idiot complaining just to complain.


People are complaining about the racists jokes? really? I just watched this movie Saturday and can barely recall any of the racist jokes, but I still loved the movie. This kind of thing, dumb thread, is what happens when people focus too much on one area of a movie.



white-hume, you've joined in and made it about race (notice how your post is sprinkled with racist phrases). Black people exist and are in movies - get used to it. What's your comment about all white movies? Don't hate, congratulate.

Besides, exaggerator, it's not an all black cast, unless Peter Dinklage, Luke Wilson, James Marsden are now black to you.

If seeing more than one lazy black person in a movies bothers you - don't watch. There are far more all white movies at your disposal. Stick with what your level of knowledge can handle. Next time, ask yourself "Why not?"

By the by - the movie sucked.


"It's not the all black cast that bothers me...."

that gave u away buddy. Your definitely a racist.


The problem with most black AMERICANS is that everything is racially motivated.

They vote for black politicians-democrat only, they listen to black music, they read books written by black people, they support black products. If I were talking about white people, I would be called racist by black people. Since I'm talking about black people it's ok ...just like calling each other "nig***" is ok.

Everything is based on the perception that all black people need to be loyal to being black and that everyone is curious about "black culture", so directors that hire black people based on stereotypes that the rest of America might pay to see (but most really aren't interested in).

You can blame hollywood too. Hollywood fuels the concept that the only way a black person can be in a movie is if they use Ebonics.

I'm talking about the general black population....not the exceptions like black suburbans who socialize into general American culture (the way most asians and indians do) and aren't interested in being stereotypically black.

Zoe, and the guy that plays her brother in this movie are 2 exceptions to the rule. Every other black cast member had a southern-ish dialect and were in many ways "ghetto fabulous". The whites in the movie were super white and goofy just like the white sterotypes.

This movie is satire, but not in a clever way because this is what they think black people an white people are really like. It's pure ignorance.


I'm black, by the way...

Come to Baltimore, you'll see what I'm talking about.
This movie did well here.


I'm guessing you aren't black or american, are you?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I'm Sexy, I'm a Scholar, People like me


Neither is Herman Cain, Jesse Jackson, or Philly Mayor I guess.




Oh,get real---ALL of you on here are whining about this film precisely BECAUSE it has an all-black cast! If anybody actually saw the original like they claim, this is pretty much an EXACT remake of the original--they didn't really change THAT much about it! And,hello---it's about an African-American so or COURSE there were going got be some racial jokes----hell,jokes about race ARE part of American humor,so why the hell do y'all even have a problem with that? And another thing, race wasn't even really made that much of an issue to begin with----the fact that the sister (Zoe Saldana's character) had dated not just one, but TWO white boys, was not really even commented on that much! Nothing was "dumbed down" here, both movies are almost the same, word for word--it's just the difference in cultures, and THAT'S what makes it unique, and not just another boring white,watered-down Hollywood remake,thank you very much---and the remake being black American dosen't automatically make it "dumbed down" or even make the film lousy at all.

I knew when I came to this board, that's the FIRST damn thing people would be complaining about----hell, y'all are just mad because you precious little white Brit film was remade into a successful black American remake! Just get the hell over it and enjoy the film for what it is--a good old-fashioned comedy/farce! Let's be for real---it's not like the original was some great intellectual British upper-class arthouse flick---it was a goofy-a** COMEDY,plain & simple,first & foremost! That's all it was about, and I liked both of them,dammit!
