MovieChat Forums > Death at a Funeral (2010) Discussion > It's not the all black cast that bothers...

It's not the all black cast that bothers me....

Said it once I'll say it again. It's the way they changed the movie. They took a great movie that had nothing to do with race and had to put race crap in it! Why?
Remake a three year old movie? Lazy.
All black cast? Whatever.
Take the humor that made the original so great and dumb it down? Rediculous.
"She may be in twelth grade, but dat ass is in grad school. Um" *Shudder*
Look, I'm not exactly an "anti remake nazi". Taking an older movie and modernizing it, I am not opposed to as long as it's done well. Heck, "I Am Legend" was great and I'm actually starting to get excited about seeing the remake of my favorite movie, Clash of the Titans. (we'll have to see)
However, how annoyed would people be if, lets say next year they came out w/ a remake of The Dark Knight...only Uwe Boll gets to direct it, and they get the comedic writer from all those aweful "American Pie" sequals get involved? Oh yeah!! And Michael Bay gets to add all the action scenes!! And just for fun how about an all hispanic cast?
I ask again...WHY???


Oh the black crap, sorry cast was it, bothers me completely. Get your chicken an waffles over at da funeral home son. The British movie was typically British and it was funny within the restrained context of that society. When it goes black all subtlety is gone and therefore so is the delicate humour and charm that British films have. So what was Luke Wilson doing in it as the token white? Seriously this movie is an effed up attempt at a remake that really failed to make the mark.



Delicate humor and charm--uh,excuse me----have you seen ANY of Guy Ritchie's films? They're British,and funny too, but there's NOTHING charming or delicate about any of them whatsoever. (Oh, BTW, the director for this remake was white---are you gonna watch it now,or what?) Yeah,yeah, you didn't like the remake beacuse it was made with black folks. Whatever, I still thought it was good. Like I said, the original movie wasn't some major intellectual exercise---it was a good old fashioned slapstick comedy---and the remake stuck pretty much to that. Nothing effed up about it---so just go back to watching white people flicks in these tired-a** boring flicks that have been remade over a thousands damn times already.
