MovieChat Forums > Death at a Funeral (2010) Discussion > It's not the all black cast that bothers...

It's not the all black cast that bothers me....

Said it once I'll say it again. It's the way they changed the movie. They took a great movie that had nothing to do with race and had to put race crap in it! Why?
Remake a three year old movie? Lazy.
All black cast? Whatever.
Take the humor that made the original so great and dumb it down? Rediculous.
"She may be in twelth grade, but dat ass is in grad school. Um" *Shudder*
Look, I'm not exactly an "anti remake nazi". Taking an older movie and modernizing it, I am not opposed to as long as it's done well. Heck, "I Am Legend" was great and I'm actually starting to get excited about seeing the remake of my favorite movie, Clash of the Titans. (we'll have to see)
However, how annoyed would people be if, lets say next year they came out w/ a remake of The Dark Knight...only Uwe Boll gets to direct it, and they get the comedic writer from all those aweful "American Pie" sequals get involved? Oh yeah!! And Michael Bay gets to add all the action scenes!! And just for fun how about an all hispanic cast?
I ask again...WHY???


seems like a pretty solid cast to be, Marsden (sp?) and Wilson are white and funny...Morgan Rock Glover Lawrence are usually pretty solid in films and they are black so I don't see where race comes in exactly, as far as it being a comedy goes.

listen to the receiving end of sirens.


I laughed a lot during the original directed by Yoda, Frank Oz. I did not know any of the actors other than Alan Tudik & the little person from The Station Agent & In Bruges.I think I will agree with just about everybody that Hollywood is bankrupt on new ideas. What with a Red Dawn re-make on the way.

I've had my reservations about this re-make. But in time I think there will be some great laughs and people will enjoy it. Hey, it could be worse Soul Plane was supposedly a re-make of Airplane! Johnson Family Vacation was a re-make of National Lampoon's Vacation. Are We Done Yet? whether it wants to give credit or not is a re-make of The Money Pit in most respects.

Any African Americans want to weigh in if Friday was remade with an all white cast, how you feel? Boyz in the Hood? Jason's Lyric? Juice? Menace II Society?

What concerns me more is that Hollywood thinks we need to separate films into race categories. It's 2010! I am enjoying more television these days because of the diverse roles being offered to all races, because thats what America is. Tyler Perry writes really smart, funny characters that appeal to just about anybody. I would never expect him to re-make a film like "How High." I'm glad for the most part America is moving forward, but let's go the extra mile and cut down on the segregation.


KnyghMirror!! Well said!! A few on this thread have called me a racist and bigot,which I find interesting as a black woman. Your right..

"Any African Americans want to weigh in if Friday was remade with an all white cast, how you feel? Boyz in the Hood? Jason's Lyric? Juice? Menace II Society?"

Black (and white!!)people would be so over-the-moon angry!! I agree with you that in is ridiculous in 2010, that separates films into race catagories.


Well the fact that Friday is perfect certainly wouldn't stop some studio and director from deciding to remake it and destroy it if they thought they could turn a profit. The list of brilliant films that have been needlessly remade is not a short list. I did't let my snow white ass keep me from watching and laughing that snow white ass off during Friday. In fact, I own it and Next Friday on DVD. I wouldn't want to see the Friday remake with Will Farrell and John Reilly cast in the roles of Craig and Smokey. That would be dreadfully depressing. Much like this remake of Death at a Funeral is.


First of all i do not post very often so say what you will. And also let me first say that i love the original a truly accessible comedy. On the hand of remaking a three year old movie yeah its silly but it worked for the departed so why not. this film is directed by Neil LaBute who in my mind is a very sound and capable director. He has a firm grasp on suburbian culture, and the complexities of human nature, watch In the company of men and Nurse Betty (it's better than it sounds). Yes Lakeview Terrace and the remake of Wickerman Sucked.


Except, when they remake a very recent foreign movie - worse than the original - and, with an all white cast, it wins an oscar. But thats alright, because all white = 'normal'. You know what I'm talking about, right?

Funny you say that. "Precious" was nominated for an Oscar for Best Picture.

Well...Blacks have the Essence Awards. You'll never see any White person, movie...or whatever win one of those. Make a movie that is seriously worthy of an Oscar and you'll win.

Of course I'm an egomaniac! I have America's Sweetheart climbing up my drainpipe!


I agree with what you say. It wasn't long after I first viewed the original film that I heard about the remake. I'm American but I am married to a Brit and therefore probably watch more British films than the average American. I happen to really enjoy British humor--but it's a whole new ballgame. My first thought when finding out about the remake was "It won't work in America." The concept is just so far from an American traditional funeral and laughability of the humor is that it is just sooooo typically British. Perhaps the "black" spin they are putting on it is to Americanize it somewhat. It's going to need some kind of translation to bring it across. I understand what you are saying about the "racist crap" and I don't think it will do this film any service by employing that edge. My son is excited for it and thinks it will be funny. It will be interesting to see how it comes across but it will not be easy for me to watch it because of the comparison factor present in all remakes, especially from an already modern film. However, I will venture that the majority of Americans that watch it will not even realize it is a remake.

"So you wanna play!


me too i ' m in that scene with them


When did you see the film, white-hume?

The premiere was last night, April 12. How did you view the movie on March 21?


I completely agree with white-hume when he says that it is lazy. It sickens me to think of all the talented scriptwriters out there with great material who would kill to be given an opportunity to have their work used in a film. And yet the American producers choose to remake a film that is just three years old? out of the 309 million people in the USA, could they really not come up with something original, rather than taking from our own British work?

It makes my blood boil.


Why is making an all black cast making it about race. I dont understand that. Its about a black family. Of course most of the cast is going to be black. If it was about a hispanic or Asian family would it still be about race?


A predominantly black cast doesn't make it about race. Neither does a Hispanic or Asian cast. However, adding racist jokes where they are not necessary, does.


Did you see the movie or are you still talking out of your arse?


In my opinion, different races have different types of humor. In general, comedies with all white casts are usually about sex, geeky nerd type guys that are still virgins, spoiled rich kids against the average plain kids, old guys/chics can't give up their youth, things along those lines. Black comedies almost always deal with racial stereotypes because that is something we as black people all usually identify with and something we can laugh at ourselves about. Im not trying to say that this movie is intended only for black audiences bcuz it's not, but i think, having an all black cast, the race jokes were included becuz that type of behavior actually exist within some black families. Though it could have still been funny without it, it makes it even funnier with some can't please everyone


Ravenator619, true. I have to agree there is different types of humor among different races. Most comedies over the last 10 years have been the same movie with the same humor over and over. (Judd Apatow sex, pot, nerd type humor/Tyler Perry sex, crazy jealous black girls, uptight white folk type humor)
Truth is, it's been a long time since I've enjoyed a modern comedy. I feel my IQ slipping just watching them! I really enjoyed the original Death at a Funeral and seeing it remade with the same tired humor, was irritating!
I'm sure many people will enjoy this movie, I just hope they will give the original a view!
Also, being black I get the whole racial stereotype thing, but I also feel it's getting old and don't think it needs to be shoved down our throats in every predominantly black movie! Personally I find it no more funny than a couple of white nerds sitting around smoking pot talking about not getting laid!


So if I happen to like watching "white nerd pot smoking humor", will I enjoy this movie? Because the trailer made me honestly laugh and I like the cast so I need some opinions on if its worth the ticket price. Awesome Game!
