MovieChat Forums > Ghost Adventures (2008) Discussion > Does anyone else enjoy the backstories m...

Does anyone else enjoy the backstories more than the investigation?

I've been watching Ghost Adventures since 2009. It is without a doubt, the best ghost hunting show on television. Though, am I the only one who enjoys the backstories more than the actual investigations / paranormal lockdown? It's not that I don't believe in ghosts or anything. I'm definitely a believer in the paranormal. But even I understand, for the show's sake, that a lot of what goes down during the investigations is all hype and theatrics, to make it look more intense than it really is. I mean, don't get me wrong, there have been a few lockdowns that I've enjoyed. But I'm extremely skeptical when it comes to EVP's and spirit-boxes. I seem to enjoy the backstories, where Zak and his crew interview the owners of the property, get a tour, and an insight into the property's history. Like the Ancient Ram Inn. That was my favorite episode.

Can anyone else relate?


I love the history of the places for sure. What gets me about the investigations that even after so many seasons they are still behaving like it's their first rodeo. They hear a floor board creak "DUDE! WHAT WAS THAT?!" How many times are they going to mistake a racoons eyes in the night for a demon?

I hate that device that shows the stick people the most. So easily faked. I also hate how they keep running back to the nerve centre now everytime they think they have caught something. They never follow up on what they have caught either.


Indeed, the spirit boxes and stick figures are so cheesy. How do they expect anyone to take those things seriously? lol


There was that episode they did with the Baumeister killer and that there were supposedly all these bodies buried in the field. They got some EVP's and said there was a grave nearby etc It was all very convenient but again no follow up. They do that a lot. It's like they don't bother following up because they know it's not real...


I agree. There's a lot of scripted and fake things on the show. But for whatever reason, I continue to watch it. Like I said before, I'm just fascinated by the locations they go to. And I must admit, I think the Ghost Adventures crew is likable. I've watched their show for such a long time, that it's difficult for me to part ways with the show.


The back stories and the locations suck me in as well. I think that is one of many reasons why the recent Halloween special bored me, there isn't anything special about Zac's museum. Seeing displaced artifacts isn't quite the same as seeing an original location with whatever may be left in it. He really amped up the show business shtick as well, a Police escort??!!


I know, the whole ordeal was pretty ridiculous. Ambulances on stand-by? Though, I did sense some real tension and nervousness from the crew at times. Maybe it was because it was a live event, they were under pressure, and they weren't capable of scripting anything. Like when they took the doll out of the glass case, and just started yelling at if something was really going to happen. And then they started using the fake spirit boxes to speak for the doll. It was just so dumb. And plus, what about Lady Snake? That was hilariously awful. I swear, Zak Bagans really does have an awesome job. I wonder if the fans really believe this bs. I gotta admit, when I was younger, the show did freak me out sometimes. But then as I got older, I couldn't believe that I finally realized how ridiculous the paranormal lockdowns are. But I know what you mean, watching them pace around the Dybbuk box, and hearing Aaron say "Dude, I'm getting like, emotional." I mean, come on. Terrible acting.


I loved the show when it first came out. It was believable in a sense, 3 guys alone in a haunted location. It was like an adventure. But over the years it became more and more predictable. The Nerve Centre ruined it as well, "What was that? Run to the nerve centre!" the whole sense of isolation was ruined.

Lady Snake is a great ham actor. They all just come off as charlatans. Sadly given the tweets they were posting it seems like many of the fans buy it hook, line and sinker. There was probably some element of script or overall plan too though. I just don't buy any of it anymore. Which is a sad thing because it was fun once.

Even if the whole show was genuine, it still doesn't make up for it being boring.


Well said.


By the way, I was somewhat pleasantly surprised to see Lady Snake's return. She was in the Ancient Ram Inn episode...which is by far my favorite episode.


I love the Ram Inn ep that was when it was still a really compelling show. Lady Snake seemed genuine in that too. My fave ep overall though is Povegilia Island.

The show used to spook the life out of me. Me and a colleague used to watch ep's on night shift and at times we wouldn't want to leave the room lol.


Bela Lugosi's Mirror and its history initially got me interested during the 4hr live Halloween special the other night but thereafter I became increasingly disinterested and bored. I thought the segment with the rabbi being called in concerning the Dybbuk Box was especially amusing.


I ended up watching it on Youtube, I got through the first 90 mins but the second half I just fast forwarded. Much ado about nothing. I fast forwarded around 30 odd minutes of them debating whether or not to open that Dybbuk box only in the end for them to chicken out. I was so bored that I didn't even care what the Rabbi (if he even was a Rabbi) said to them or what the history of the box was all about.

Too much hype about the whole event and absolutely nothing at all happened. Which makes me cynical as well because in their early seasons they were finding a far bit of "evidence".


They didn't even open the Dybbuk box. I know a lot of fans were supportive of Zak's decision not to open it. But I was really, really let down. All that hype for nothing. Don't get me wrong, I still sort of enjoyed Ghost Adventures live. But I really wanted them to open that box, just to see if the rumors are true. My opinion is, they didn't open it, that way they can save the opening for a later episode. I think they did that just to tease their audience and keep them coming back for more.


I wanted them to open it as well. Or, you know what? Not open it. But don't spend like 30 or so minutes prattling on about it like a group of old women. It's like I said in another post, they have been doing this so long now and they are just as scared, perhaps even more scared than ever.

The whole episode was a non event.

You can tease your audience, to a degree but that is how you also lose fans. I know I am not as into the show as I was when I first started to watch it.


You're right. Their tactics are pretty lame.


The spirit box is bullshit. Just watched the Halloween special and at some point a guest uses a spirt box and it was so damn obvious the voices came from radio stations. You could even hear music for fuck sake.


I always thought that too. You can hear out of context words at times. Also the voices always seem to be modern and out of place for the time period the location was known for.


I was just thinking the same, the backstories are what sold me to this show. I love knowing about the story behind the haunted locations the crew visit, specially mental asylums. Like you, I also enjoy the tours around the properties with the owners or experts/witnesses of the hauntings, where they tell the crew and the audience what happened in the past that made such location haunted. I gotta admit they know how to tell a good ghost story.

I actually feel the lockdowns, even though they are the main attraction of the show, are the disposable segment, because they look faked, scripted and hyped for entertainment. I don't even consider myself a skeptic, but I just can't believe the "evidences" they find, and it only got more cringeworthy and less believable with the time. While I did enjoy a couple of them in the first seasons, I just cannot let myself do them anymore.


The fakery within the lockdowns is beginning to get unbearably ridiculous. EVPs are one thing. But I don't believe those spirit boxes or thermal stick figures for even a second.


Yeah, I agree. I probably didn't express myself correctly: I actually have always enjoyed the lockdowns, I just never believed most of the evidences they have collected, with a few exceptions.
