MovieChat Forums > Bad Teacher (2011) Discussion > How are you not outraged?

How are you not outraged?

So, I don't know what was worse about this movie - the fact that the "teacher" got away with treating everyone like garbage, the terrible things these children were exposed to, the corrupt teachers (all of them), or the fact that the drug abusing teacher gets away with everything in the end.

1. How was she not reported? She was a foul ***** to everyone - funny for the first 2 seconds, but got real old real fast.

2. The stuff this woman exposed those children to - her drug abuse, the movie watching instead of doing actually homework, and finally cheating in the end - she ruined everyone of those children.

3. Teachers smoking pot in the gym. Everyone of those people were trash. The only decent teacher is rewarded with - what's this? - she's framed for being a drug user! How funny! So funny I forgot to laugh.

4. So, in the end, she gets away with everything. The decent teacher is sent to a terrible school. And everyone lives happily ever after. She continues to be a snob. Without the proper rehab she will continue to be a drug user. And those children will suffer.

Um... is this supposed to be a comedy? Because it isn't funny at all. How can any parent of any public school attending children be amused by this? This is a shame. It should have never been made into a movie.

It is a sad portrayal of the public school system. I hope this isn't how public schools really are nowadays...? If this was a male teacher abusing little girls, would it still be funny?

I think the people who made this film should be ashamed of themselves. I think the public education system should pull out a lawsuit for this. Is this really what America is all about now? If the teachers are corrupt, what chance do your children have?


I'm not 'outraged' because it's fictional, and I don't have a stick up my backside.

Born when she kissed me, died when she left me, lived whilst she loved me


Anyone who says "So funny I forgot to laugh" when it's not 1968 should be banned from critiquing movies.

No Guru, No Method, No Teacher.


The only thing I'm outraged about is how bad this movie is.
And the so-called `good'teacher was a silly pain.


And how about Bad Santa? I was outraged at that movie too! Hallmark should sue the hell out of those writers, I mean come on, Santa is a sacred institution! What chance do our children have now??




I'm not outraged because that was the point--she outwitted everyone. She had low morale and in the end it was all pinned on the snivelling, back-biting, tattle-tale, Amy Squirrel. That's what's so fun about it. People are way too PC. Calm down. It's a movie. And an entertaining one at that.


I agree. The makers of this film went against traditional thinking in making the lead character so UNLIKEABLE that you wanted her to die in the end. Get it by a bus or beaten to death by a bunch of students. I had trouble sitting through but was bored enough to watch most of it, thinking the Cameron Diaz character would die in the end. I would not recommend this movie to anyone, even people I don't like.


All you need to know about this character is how she treats the teacher played by Phylis Smith.
Any humor generated in those scenes was wiped out by the mean-spirited nature of Diaz's character.

Bad Santa was very annoying at times, but it's much easier to root for a hardened criminal finding something good about himself (and watching John Ritter be as uncomfortable as possible--He was awsome) than it is to watch someone in authority of juveniles act like a dumb thug. For the entire movie.
Geez, even the Regina Spector character from Mean Girls develops.

"Drink up! Judah Ben Hur. . ."


I'm not outraged. It's called a dark comedy for a reason. The teacher was never meant to be a role model.


I wouldn't say I'm outraged but I definitely don't agree with the way it ended. I realize that it's just a movie and it's a dark comedy for a reason but I just hate how Cameron Diaz's character smokes weed and is a bitch to everybody and the person who was trying to do the right thing gets in trouble.


It was a "franchise killer."
If they thought they could do:
Bad Mailman
Bad Doctor
Bad (whatever),
hopefully, the makers reconsider. This one didn't get off the ground.



I'm outraged alright,(for some reason that seems to slip most peoples' attention) for the fact that Lucy Punch's character >>Amy Squirrel<< is effectively punished for being a good teacher, albeit slightly annoying and nosey, but still she's in the right. Amy deserved better!



Maybe you haven’t heard, but puritanism went out with the 17th Century.
This movie was meant to be a farce, not a social primer. Loosen up your chastity belt and let your sense of humor expand with the universe.
