MovieChat Forums > Leave the World Behind (2023) Discussion > I didn't know much about it - and really...

I didn't know much about it - and really enjoyed it. Ending could improve (some ideas)

My wife and I just watched this movie. Didn't know what else to watch and it just popped up on Netflix' homescreen.
We didn't know anything much about the story. But we enjoyed this mix of thriller, sci-fi, end-of-civilization. It is pretty slow paced and lots of questions unanswered. But it was gripping, it kept us guessing and going. And the cast did a really good job all around.

I don't mind some questions were unanswered, let's you fill the gaps yourself (e.g. where are all the people, why did the airplanes hit at that exact spot on the beach twice, who's behind it etc.).

Only the ending I felt was left to open. Or too positive. If I would have had a go at it I might have ended it like this:

Bacon, Hawke and Mahershala Ali all die in a shootout fighting over the meds. Myha'la, Charlie Evans and Roberts are hit by another sonic wave (radioactivity??) and it effects all of them, all dying over the next few days.
Only the character Rose (Farrah Mackenzie) is making it. I would keep her getting into the house, eating the snacks and finding her way into the bunker, turning on "Friends". But instead of ending here, a shape/person is getting in the house, into the basement and finally the bunker where Rose is watching Friends. In a flashback it is shown that it's the person coming all the way from the shed (where he/she was sleeping in the leafs) into this building. That person closes the bunker and locks it from inside. Rose is still unaware of the visitor. Fade to black...


Now that's a dark way to end it :)

I have to agree i also thoroughly enjoyed it, i loved the tension throughout and agree the ending was a bit underwhelming to me. On the other hand i imagine someone making this in a series, and then it would have a strong start and then get old soon - while the movie it keeps being interesting, then there is like a 30sec ending and done.
The Dears thing was a bit to mystical to me.


I didn't know anything about it beforehand going in too and I really enjoyed it. I found that it had a lot of suspense. I didn't feel that the ending was really that open-ended. The fathers were going to the house after they got the meds and the mother and daughter were already on their way there, so I felt like they all ended up "safe" in the bunker. I understand why they didn't show it as it was a film about uneasiness and uncertainty.

I felt that that film was pretty realistic on the tension aspect of being cutoff from all communication. If your cell phone, internet and power do not work, things become so much more difficult in the modern world. As far as apocalyptical things go, this is how I kind of always pictured it happening, in silence. Powers out, never comes back and you are left to try and figure out what the hell is going on.

I see there is a lot of criticism and comments about the film not explaining who or what happened which I find odd. The film gives us lots of information as to what they believe has occurred, especially at the end. The guy gives us clues throughout the film and then pretty much explains everything in full detail except for exactly who is responsible so I'm not sure why people are confused.

Overall, found it to be really good.


I like your ending. I'd tie it to the Mexican woman's panic.

As it is, it ends as T.S. Eliot predicted the world would: "Not with a bang, but a whimper."

I'm partly here to see if anyone translated what she said. Something about her house. Translation wasn't in the subtitles.
