Sandra Bullock

Anyone else feel Sandra Bullock would've been a better choice for Julia Roberts' character?

JR did a decent job as always, but I thought SB would've been better. Something about JL was off-putting in this flick and she was also very annoying at times (which I suppose is the way her character was written), on par with Ethan Hawke's weak, emasculated, bumbling fool of a character.


Yeah, I think their characters are supposed to represent typical middle aged middle-class Americans to emphasize the realism of the situation or how most people would handle the situation albeit not necessarily making the best decisions.


Absolutely, I get that. Just wondering if anyone else thinks SB would've been a better choice (not that there is anything lacking with JR's portrayal of the role).


Sandra would be good too. She might fit the “average housewife” character even better, with her performance in Blindside being a good example.


No, Sandra is a great actress, but her image is too soft and nice to play that part.

What I thought was weird was why did they choose Ethan Hawke and Kevin Bacon to be in the same movie - they are almost clones of each other. I could barely tell it was not Ethan Hawke playing both roles.


JR seemed a little cold and detached, even though she had a few close scenes with the kids, cuddling them etc. Just didn't find her very convincing there, although she pulled off the annoyed, frustrated parts well. Sandra Bullock's played a few warmer, more believable roles as a mom (like in The Blind Side and Bird Box) and would've been a better choice IMO.

I've also felt that EH is very similar to Bacon in some ways. EH's probably the better actor of the two, but it would've been very unconvincing if they'd switched roles, so the casting got that part right.


I think that edgy quality that JR exuded was just right for that character.


Julia Roberts was supposed to be cold and detached. That was like, the core of her character. Why do you think someone playing a warmer character would be better when the character is not *supposed* to be warm lol
