MovieChat Forums > Death Note (2017) Discussion > This Movie Looks Aggressively Bad

This Movie Looks Aggressively Bad

I really liked Wingard's You're Next and The Guest movies. I haven't seen the new Blair Witch but know critics hated it. I hope this movie isn't another strike on his filmography.

I watched the Death Note anime and from the trailer all of the main characters except Dafoe as Ryuk seem miscast. The right way to adapt Death Note IMO would have been to make it a creepy Fincher-esque crime drama. But this looks like a cheesy teen melodrama. The speeches from the actor playing L sound especially cringeworthy.


If you decide to check it out, best not to think of it as an adaptation at all. It's a completely different story with only surface-level elements in common. I definitely enjoyed comparing the two, especially considering that Wingard specifically aimed to Americanize Death Note.

All that being said: Yep. It's a pretty bad movie.


Pretty bad is under selling it. I'm just finished it and holy shit, that was bad. I haven't seen the anime somcant compare, but this was dog shit.


Just saw it as well and yeah its pretty crappy, Netflix has been making some bad stuff lately.


Haha, I think you're right! That really was an understatement. I kind of can't believe how bad this was. Some of Wingard's other stuff impressed me, and I'm being generous with this one because of it.


I'm not familiar with the source material at all, but I don't think it was THAT bad. I thought it was entertaining. I feel like they put too much stuff into one movie and it was a bit confusing sometimes, but I had fun while watching it and sometimes that's all I need. I'm surprised that the rating is so low, I'd give it a 6-6,5/10.


As a huge anime fan, second watch through of this movie with my friend (who loves the anime too) was as a comedy. I laughed SO HARD throughout it at how bad it was.
