MovieChat Forums > Due Date (2010) Discussion > I walked out and got a refund..

I walked out and got a refund..

One of the worst movies i've seen in a long time!!!! I watched about 30 min of this piece of garbage and i got a refund. Boy this movie sucked. I love RDJ, but it was just awful. Sorry.


The way I see it is that a movie is a product and just as with any product if it doesn't work you get your money back. You can usually tell within the first 15 minutes if a movie is going to be crap this movie was crap personified. It has been made thousands of time over. You can watch a preview of a movie a million times but Hollywood has a tendency to splice and dice their trailers to make a movie look like something it isn't even close to being. Outside of Hollywood when something is sold as being something it is not it is called bait and switch or FRAUD. I am in no way an "elitest" I just value the dollar I work my ass off for and I refuse to let some Hollywood prick who makes millions of dollars a movie sell me something that doesn't work. I have requested my money back on two movies in 33 years, had I seen this movie anywhere other than a free screening , which I walked out of half an hour in I would have asked for my money back as well. Don't fool yourselves into thinking Hollywood is doing you a favor making movies to entertain you. Anyone who thinks Hollywood is doing anyone any favors is delusional! And yes, I would expect a new steak at a restaurant if they sent it out to me overcooked, there is a reason they ask you how you want it, it is MY money they are taking not vice versa! So, good for you for walking out, too many people these days are gutless cowards who wouldn't have the balls to speak up if their lives depended on it.

And for the record, I love a good comedy. The Hangover was a great comedy, this movie however seemed to be written by a 12 year old! I learned a lesson from this movie and it is the same one I learned with The Green Hornet....Just like with Seth Rogan in Hornet there CAN (and was in Due Date) be TOO MUCH Zach Galifianakis. His kind of comedy is not lead comedy material, unless of course you are in JR. high or haven't grown much since!


you walked out and got a refund? are you homeless?


Must agree. This was terribly uninspired garbage. Worst i've seen in a while. And that from the people from the hangover..


Due Date was way better than The Hangover.


i'm 30 mn in , and i'm not sure how long i can take it, i love rdj but the other guy is repulsive, and its not his weight i'm talking about! and they don't have any chemistry together! maybe i'm not in right frame of mind , will give it a try later...



"Well OP, you are a liar as you do not get refunds in cinemas in USA. And i am telling you this as a former cinema worker. "
Almost 6000 cinemas in the USA (those registered with the Cinema owners association)and you know the policy for each and every one because you were a former "cinema worker"

Where do you work now? LOL


I think you'd have to be a complete idiot, plus an ignorant fuvk at that to judge a film after 30 minutes of watching it. You shouldnt even be allowed an opinion to be honest. If you sat there, and watched the whole thing all the way through - thats cool. You're allowed to say what you didnt like, and what you thought werent the strong points of the film - or whatever! However, if all you did was sit there for 30 minutes then walk out like a freaking diva, then no, you do not have any rights to come on here and moan about it, because YOU HAVE NOT SEEN IT. There's a lot of films that are pretty slow at first, but after a couple of minutes - up to half an hour they get much much better. So who knows, it couldve ended up being something you didnt expect (not that it did, as you obviously read other peoples spoilers, but yeah).

Anyway, I think there should be a little box that you have to tick before posting asking if you've actually seen the film all the way through....


the movie is stupid and boring. Hollywood can't make a good comedy anymore.
Beating other people is not really fun. this is not tom & jerry.
the only time a laughed was when the dog was masturbating.
the human part in this movie was totally unfunny.
planes, train & automobiles
which has similar story to this one is a hilarious comedy.
this movie due date just plain sucks.


I don't think this movie was so bad it deserved to be walked out on. I wasn't a fan of it either though. It felt long, and the jokes just didn't hit. Every once in a while they would get me, but I thought it was more boring than anything.


I walked out and got a refund

I couldn't care less, but well done.

[quote]"I'm a hero with coward's legs." - Spike Milligan


I just think it's funny that anyone can watch "30 minutes" of ANY movie and be able to call it the worst they've seen.

20 bucks says OP is in the 38-60 female demographic and that she walked out on the masturbation scene - which is ironically right around the 30 minute mark;)

I thought it was pretty funny. A lot better than some of the other big cast comedies of late(grown Ups, couple's retreat, etc), and certainly not walk-out material.
