MovieChat Forums > Due Date (2010) Discussion > I walked out and got a refund..

I walked out and got a refund..

One of the worst movies i've seen in a long time!!!! I watched about 30 min of this piece of garbage and i got a refund. Boy this movie sucked. I love RDJ, but it was just awful. Sorry.


You are DEAD on only mental midgets would like this TRASH! I don't find punching kids and spitting in dogs faces funny at all! people that do are morons!!


I'm glad you got your money back. I was really looking forward to seeing this because of Downey Jr. and Galafianakis. I understand that ZG is trying to capitalize on his Hangover success, but I expected more from RDJ. This is just awful and boring. It looked like they were making it up as they went along. Oh, let's do something outrageous here and maybe it will be funny. Nothing ever was. I am glad I didn't have to pay to see this piece of crap. There was nothing likeable about any character in this movie.


I'm glad you got your money back. I was really looking forward to seeing this because of Downey Jr. and Galafianakis. I understand that ZG is trying to capitalize on his Hangover success, but I expected more from RDJ. This is just awful and boring. It looked like they were making it up as they went along. Oh, let's do something outrageous here and maybe it will be funny. Nothing ever was. I am glad I didn't have to pay to see this piece of crap. There was nothing likeable about any character in this movie.


What hick area do you live in that you can get a refund by walking out of a movie 30 minutes in????


I totally agree! This must be the worst movie I've seen in years! Not only that it's a Planes, trains and automobiles rip off, it's so lame I forced myself through 60 minutes and couldn't stand a minute longer. The rate of 6.9 makes me think that today's audience do not deserve better. Awful movie! It's like that Award winner "ASS" showed in Mike Judge's Idiocracy!


After trying to watch a 2nd time with mates, it failed to entertain us miserably. A lot of the humour was pretty rough and struggled to get laughs from any of us watching. Don't get me wrong I love the actors in this movie but... eventually I fell asleep and thats the end of that story
If I saw this at the cinema I would of left pretty devastated (wishing 4 a refund) I guess it's a time killer if got nothing else good going on.


<<I watched about 30 min of this piece of garbage and i got a refund.>>

Which basically means you took it out on some 17 year old until they got annoyed enough to say I'll get the manager.... Manger was like ya I'm too important for this prick and say's OK ya refund. Bye. And for future reference decent people usually ask to change movie's or at the most for another ticket, so they still get your business, not for a handout. You watched an entire 1/3 of the movie. Edit: This movie was horrible, but this is a movie, the projector didn't have anything to do with it.

Ya, it was made up on imdb ;D


Fully agree. Terrible, terrible! I suppose you must be American to like this sort of crap.


If you would have read a few more posts and not only the OP's, you would have noticed some posters calling americans stupid for not liking this movie or for not liking the more vulgar parts of it (maybe they disliked those parts because they were plain dumb and unfunny).
I guess any reason to call americans stupid is valid, one way or the other.
IMO, I don't think americans are more or less stupid than others, and if movie taste is any indication, I would have more respect to someone not liking Due Date than somebody rating it a 8 or 9 out of ten movie.
I don't agree with the OP getting a refund (I don't blame him for walking out, tho), but some of the arguments against it (comparisons to food or sport events) are just laughable.

"I'm gona put that blind man on a wheel chair!"

