MovieChat Forums > Due Date (2010) Discussion > I walked out and got a refund..

I walked out and got a refund..

One of the worst movies i've seen in a long time!!!! I watched about 30 min of this piece of garbage and i got a refund. Boy this movie sucked. I love RDJ, but it was just awful. Sorry.


I'm sorry you couldn't enjoy it.

But your handicap should not be rewarded with a refund unless you were also banned from the theatre.

That would be my deal for you if you demanded a refund from me.

It's ok not to like it. It's just not cool to be a jerk about it.




Good that you got the money back your parents gave you. Did you go and buy some lollypops or hotdogs for it?


People who walk of theathres are probably republicans


My husband, two daughters, & teen-aged granddaughter walked out when they were sleeping in the car and Ethan and the dog were pleasuring themselves.

Your family was in a car and there was a dog pleasuring itself???? Now I GOTTA see it.

"Pffft, my suspension of disbelief has higher standards than that"


God, I hate it when people walk out of movies, especially after only 30 minutes. You honestly couldn't at least sit through the movie and then said "Well, I saw that movie and it was the worst I had ever seen"? You technically don't even have the right to say it was the worst you had ever seen because you didn't even really see it--you only saw the first 30 minutes.

I get it if people hate certain movies. Totally fine--you can't help your taste in movies. But seriously, you made the choice to see it. Man up and just watch the movie until it's over.

Or, if you decide that 30 minutes is good enough to judge the entire thing and you'd prefer to spend the rest of the hour on something you'd prefer, fine--get up and leave, but I can't believe you wanted a refund. What are you, a spoiled 11-year-old JAP? Man up and understand that you win some and lose some. Getting refunds for things like faulty products or something along those lines is fair and good, but for movies just because you don't like it--you've gotta be kidding me.

I get that movie theatres allow refunds before reaching a certain amount of time--I'm actually surprised that policy exists and I didn't even know it until recently. Maybe I'm out of line. Maybe this pet peeve of mine is just making me react unfairly. I just can't understand why people would be so damned cheap to do this.

On the other hand, maybe I'm a dick for actually getting annoyed by that as much as you were annoyed by the movie. :P


I agree that asking for a refund because you walk out of a movie is ignorant. I have only walked out of one movie and that was 28 days later. I didn't like the movie and I was there with my girlfriend and felt like it would be more enjoyable to go home with her. I DID NOT ask for a refund... It was my decision to see the movie. In fact, the movie theater never suggested a movie to me. They simply sold me a ticket for the movie that I asked for. You are not buying a "good" here. Calling it a service is more accurate... If they provide a poor service, if the screen goes black, or audio goes out, etc... Then you are entitled to a refund. However, not liking the movie has nothing at all to do with the service that the theater is providing. If you do not like the movie, in my opinion you have no right to a refund.

Dantel1378 - I take special offense to you saying that people who walk out are probably republicans. I am a conservative... The republican party is supposed to share many of my views and therefore I align myself with them. Something that is very important to me and my conservative friends is personal responsibility. I dare say that anyone who knows what a republican is supposed to be wouldn't feel that they were "owed" a refund because they didn't like a movie they chose to see.

Its late... I worked a long day and then went and watched Due Date tonight. If you want to argue the idea at hand with me that is fine. Do something more interesting than attack my spelling, punctuation, grammar, political party or religion.

I thought Due Date was fun and kind of stood out from some of the other movies out right now. I do feel like the guy from Hangover is in great danger of being type casted tho...




You are entitled to your opinion, but I thought it was quite funny. I went in with no expectations and was pleasantly pleased. RDJ was great, of course.

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch--Remember Me


I snuck into this after watching Skyline...I maybe laughed a total of 4-5 times at most...a shame too cause give the cast & crew, I thought it be much funnier...

the rating on here is INSANE!!!

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


I walked out as well. Thought the movie was spectacularly unfunny. Didn't ask for refund. First time ever walked out on a movie, an indicater of how aweful I thought it was.

Question: Who's baby did it end up being, Robert Downey Junior's or Jamie Fox's?


You would know if haven't walked out.....


I walked out on a movie midway once. It was Ms. Congeniality 2. I went there for another movie and they had projector problems so they comp'd everyone in the theater with tickets. I chose Ms. Congeniality 2 since it was the only movie subsequently showing. Big mistake. I didn't ask for my money back. I didn't even ask for the com'd ticket. Since, ya know, it's only money. Cheap douche.


I did not find it as bad as you have...and no, I did not walk out nor did I ask for a refund. However I must admit that I expected more from Todd Phillips. This movie is average at best. Sure it has its moments, when Robert Downey Jr. punches that kid in the gut was one of the highlights LOL, but the movie is pretty pedestrian. Definitely not on par with Phillips's former efforts "Old School" and "The Hangover".

"Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about yesterday"--Anthony Hopkins
