MovieChat Forums > Due Date (2010) Discussion > I walked out and got a refund..

I walked out and got a refund..

One of the worst movies i've seen in a long time!!!! I watched about 30 min of this piece of garbage and i got a refund. Boy this movie sucked. I love RDJ, but it was just awful. Sorry.


If you thought this was a bad movie you really don't get out much then.


I hated the movie, but I, like the other people on this post, are mad you got a refund. Also, you should have watched the whole thing before you judge it.

Chuck me.


You are such a cheap little bitch! I bet that refund you got was much more wisely spent too. If you don't like the movie you're watching just *beep* leave. Its not the fault of the movie theater you took a gamble and saw a *beep* movie. I suppose you would try and talk the dealer out of keeping your money because you hit on sixteen and just weren't happy with the results. *beep* pathetic, cheap bastard...


everyone is entitled to their opinion. I thought it was okay, not as good as the hangover but it had some funny parts.


OP can only say the first 30 minutes of the movie sucked, not the whole thing...since he didn't see the rest.



Good. My friends and I went to see this crap and the same happened to us. After 25 laugh-free minutes we said, "Okay, this was a mistake", walked out, asked if we could have a refund and they returned our money.

Everyone on this thread needs to lighten up. It's not as though we threw ourselves on the floor kicking and screaming. We just told them we didn't care for the movie and asked if we could have a refund. They said, "Sure" and we left. No big deal. Why is the OP getting ostracized for doing that?

"My stomach was making the rumblies that only hands could satisfy."


I'm actually surprised people were able to get refunds, I thought the cinema would not allow such arrogant behaviour from a bunch of drama queens. I saw a lot of movies this year that I thought were terrible, including Predators, Prince Of Persia and Shutter Island. Yet I did not walk out and demand my money back like an ungrateful child. I gave each movie a chance, and when it finished I complained to whichever friend made the choice to see the movie I didn't like. If you sit in the cinema and watch the movie, even if for only 20 minutes you do not deserve a refund, too bad if you don't like it, just just the way it is.


I'm actually surprised people were able to get refunds, I thought the cinema would not allow such arrogant behaviour[sic] from a bunch of drama queens.

It's company policy. I don't like the movie, they refund my money. If they don't approve then the manager could have said, "Touch luck" and I would've been screwed. I'm glad they gave me a refund.

I saw a lot of movies this year that I thought were terrible, including Predators, Prince Of Persia and Shutter Island. Yet I did not walk out and demand my money back like an ungrateful child.

Yeah, that's what I did. I screamed at the cashier for a refund. You're an idiot.

If you sit in the cinema and watch the movie, even if for only 20 minutes you do not deserve a refund, too bad if you don't like it, just just the way it is.

If the movie sucks and I don't sit through the entire movie then I have the right to leave and ask for a refund. If I purchase a video game from a store, play it and decide I don't care for it, I always have the chance to return it for my money back as long as I didn't wait long enough.

"My stomach was making the rumblies that only hands could satisfy."


No, you're an idiot. This whole 'walking out and got a refund' mentality is for sad losers like yourself. God, how cheap and ungrateful can you be.


No, you're an idiot. This whole 'walking out and got a refund' mentality is for sad losers like yourself. God, how cheap and ungrateful can you be.

Oh, boo-hoo. Look, I asked politely for my money back, they complied, and that was the end of it. Get over yourself.

"My stomach was making the rumblies that only hands could satisfy."


[quote] I'm actually surprised people were able to get refunds, I thought the cinema would not allow such arrogant behaviour[sic] from a bunch of drama queens. [\quote]

Just want to point out that in many English-speaking countries "behaviour" is the correct spelling, so you don't need to "sic" it.


Yeah, I think its totally cheap to do this , when I can tell a movie is not going very well, I usually ask them for a voucher to see another movie instead, I still think they are providing a service, and they shouldn't have to bank on every bodies taste, this is a very typical thing in America where the customer is felt he is always due there standards, and its just taking advantage of a business. I think asking to see another movie is a very fair way to ensure them your business and your enjoyment, does everyone else agree with that?


Yeah, I think its totally cheap to do this , when I can tell a movie is not going very well, I usually ask them for a voucher to see another movie instead, I still think they are providing a service, and they shouldn't have to bank on every bodies taste, this is a very typical thing in America where the customer is felt he is always due there standards, and its just taking advantage of a business. I think asking to see another movie is a very fair way to ensure them your business and your enjoyment, does everyone else agree with that?

A ticket voucher would be fine but thankfully they refunded my money instead. I honestly don't see the problem and neither did the theater since they were fine with giving me a refund.

"My stomach was making the rumblies that only hands could satisfy."


I will never understand why people think they're entitled to a refund if they didn't like a film... With movies, you pays your money and you takes your chance... If you didn't like it, better luck next time.

It doesn't make a person more 'discerning' than anyone else; it just makes them a tightass who isn't diligent enough with their money, and looks to blame somebody else for their own decisions.

"I've been turned down more times than the beds at the Holiday Inn; I still try"


You are some piece of idiot. You do realize that the theater makes little to no money off of ticket sales? They could care less if you walk out and ask for a refund - especially if you've paid for snacks of any sort - since that is where they make their money.

Too many people like you bitch and moan about things without doing anything about it. If enough people got a refund, crap films like this would never be made again. Instead, people like you do nothing to change things. I don't owe the movie makers or the theater anything - I'm the customer. If something is bad, I want a refund. Period. They DO owe me a good movie, in this case. It is MY opinion that counts as to what constitutes a good movie and if it is worth my money. That is the whole basis of capitalism. Value for money.

We aren't tightasses - we are smart with our money and confident in our own opinions and likes/dislikes to be vocal about things. You, on the other hand, as the typical internet troll, probably believe yourself to be some bastion of perfection whose opinion is the only one that counts.

Movies are a commodity, like anything else. Like demanding a refund or a discount from a restaurant because of terrible food and/or terrible service, you can, and should, demand your money back if a movie sucks. Like going to a concert and having the show last 20 minutes because the act had a hissy fit and left - I take it in that situation you would just bitch and moan and not ask for your money back? Christ, you are stupid.


I'm sure the theater staff don't really care; I'm talking about sucking it up and taking responsibility for your own decisions - knowing that movies are like a lottery, some you will like, and some you won't... BUT JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T WIN THE LOTTERY DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE ENTITLED TO A REFUND ON THE PRICE OF YOUR TICKET. It's called making the effort to take an educated choice based on your own likes and dislikes. If you're OK with losing money in the hope that you might win, then do that, but accept that this is the kind of deal where you aren't guaranteed a result every time.

The cinema is just a preparation venue... If you go to a restaurant and the food is too cold, you're entitled to a refund; just the same if there are technical difficulties with what you hear at a concert or what you see at the theatre - i.e. if the difficulties are beyond your control... If however, you were not infringed in any way and CHOSE with full disclosure to order something that didn't suit you, then that is YOUR FAULT. The theatre doesn't guarantee that you will like every film you see, they just offer you a choice; if you make the wrong choice, then the responsibility is on you. So if you don't like brocolli, but the menu shows a brocolli dish on it, and you order it anyway, then tread more carefully next time.

'Crap' where an art form is concerned is totally subjective; one man's 'crap' is another man's cuisine, etc...

Note that this is an argument where I haven't called you an idiot, just debated you... This is how it's done.

This is where the magic happens... and by "magic", I mean nothing.


First off, as one who works front desk at a hotel, I can honestly say I'm very familiar with those sorts who feel entitled. Our hotel has a 100% satisfaction guarantee policy, so I see plenty of lame excuses from idiots who just like to make life miserable for everybody and want everything free. I've had people demand 100% refunds because the USA Today papers were 30 minutes late. Really? You want a free room because you didn't get your paper 30 minutes earlier? Ridiculous.

Anywho, I really think it all depends on the manner and attitude in which a person asks for a request. If you walk to the service desk and politely inquire about possibly getting a refund, and they are more than happy to do it...I see no problem with it. If they offer a voucher instead, and the person gladly accepts, again, no problem. If the theater refuses, and the person understands and bids them good day, no problem. None of those is an example of someone with an entitled personality. If that's what the OP did, that's totally fine.

The only time I'd have a problem with this is if a customer bought a ticket, didn't like the movie, and went all huffy and uppity to the service desk and demanded their money back. Those people are the self entitled ones. Taking it out on the theater, throwing a fit, getting upset or even snarky and rude...those people need a life check.

But really, depending on how you handle it, it's okay. Believe it or not, some people do this legitimately, rarely, and only when they really mean it. Not everyone is trying to abuse the system. Not everybody is trying to cheat and get freebies. I've walked out on two movies in my life, and sat through many more I wasn't pleased with. Only once (The Royal Tenenbaums), did I ever ask for a refund. And when I did I said "it's cool if you can't, just thought I'd check"...and they were happy to refund me. I turned around and used the money the next day to watch a movie there.

Again, it's all in the manner and attitude in which you request a refund. And this is coming from someone who deals with stuck up entitled jokers every day.

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