MovieChat Forums > Due Date (2010) Discussion > I walked out and got a refund..

I walked out and got a refund..

One of the worst movies i've seen in a long time!!!! I watched about 30 min of this piece of garbage and i got a refund. Boy this movie sucked. I love RDJ, but it was just awful. Sorry.


dude, whatever, one of the absolute funniest movies I saw in 2010 from start to finish... you probably are one of those with not enough patience to sit out a movie until the end, which might even alter your opinion of it. this is most likely not the first movie you walked out on.

I could name a lot of movies that sucked way harder, ***subliminal [TWILIGHT: ECLIPSE] message** and I never even saw any of them, I just read/heard about how ridiculously horrible they all were, and decided against hoppin' on that bandwagon... even more so, the fact that they just had to go and make it a whole saga and what not. read the imdb reviews, they speak for themselves... as does kristen stewart, who is probably the worst aspect of the series. (oh yeah, and, some contain spoilers, but if i could think of a more positive term, it would imply that "you're learning about why NOT to go and watch this movie")

due date is up 600% in popularity, that says something as well.




care to be more specific?


You're an idiot! Really!



And why should we care about it? u walked out ok big deal....


I guess the guy is bragging about not having to watch a borderline bad movie and get his--money--greenbacks--probably his god--back and waving the middle finger at all the suckers who sat through this average/below average film. Well, we watched this through our cable provider for 5 bucks, and I mostly agree that 3/4ths of this movie has no entertainment value, but seeing that it has Zack, and RDJ in it; this made it slightly worth the money.


I say cut your losses dude...its not like before you went in you signed a contract saying that you would love this movie...You dont go to disney world or six flags and get on space mountain and absolutely hate it and ask for a refund of your ticket do you? If I dont like a movie when I see it, sure I hate that I lost 9.50 but hey...that was my choice wasn't it? I don't crying to the manager about it...after all it is not a product from walmart...its a damn movie. The only time I will get up and ask for my money back is when I'm sitting in a theatre full of screaming people who wont shut the *beep* up so I can actually hear the movie...then I will ask for my money back because just like someone already stated...your paying for a go in and watch a movie, not to go in and hear everyones BS all through it.

P.S. When you rent movies at red box or whatever, and you dont like those, do you call and bitch to them that you want your money back?

u r not a beautiful & unique snowflake, u r the same decaying organic matter as everything else



OP, just checked your previous posts to see if you were a troll and noticed you sort of defended 'Vampires Suck'. Just wondered if you got a refund on that film? If u didn't, I don't know how u dare get one for Due Date.

Lost - The Soprano's - 24 - Dexter


Before judging the movie you should watch out the whole thing!
