MovieChat Forums > It's Complicated (2009) Discussion > Should be called 'its white people'

Should be called 'its white people'

Cookie cutter family, homes out of magazines, it's sentimental in a cloying way. It's not a bad movie, I just find it so fake sometimes. It's what would would think of when you hear the phrase "white people problems."


Can we change that to "RICH white people problems?" I don't know anyone who lives like that.


Can we change that to "RICH white people problems?" I don't know anyone who lives like that.

I'm certainly not rich, but I thought that the houses and businesses were sweetly normal and average.

And, what EXACTLY is wrong with "white people?"

I know PLENTY of black people with houses that are HUGE and who drive very expensive cars, so I really object to the label of "white people."

The characters in "It's Complicated," ALL worked and earned money. It's not as if they were globe-trotting and hanging-out on yachts as we see with the real "Hollywood crowd," such as with Kanye West and his "crew" for instance. A group of "models" wearing just about nothing, were standing in front of a huge boat at St. Tropez, holding champagne glasses, and looked so ridiculous, with a vacant look on their faces; as if they had practiced being "bored to death" while at one of the most beautiful spots on earth. I doubt they even knew where they were; I also doubt they could tell the difference between St. Tropez, Cap Ferrat, or Antibes. They might as well have been at Catalina.

In that instance, REAL LIFE was more phony that the movie.

I was disappointed at the marijuana smoking. I don't know a single person who does that, and the notion of a middle aged woman, and mother, acting so irresponsibly, and so cheap, was a but stunning. I guess they were trying to appeal to a certain audience who they think is turned on by the thought of "older" people smoking pot.

There was also a scene at lunch with 3 other women and the conversation became very racy. I have never been to lunch with women that coarse, or who spoke with such disregard for themselves, their "friends" and others at the restaurant who would have HAD to have heard them. But then, she was also coarse with Steve Martin when they were on their laptops. I don't know a grown woman who would "excuse herself" from a man she hardly knew, with such coarse language; absolutely NO sense of decorum (or respect for herself) at all.

Steve Martin was desperate to accept someone that vulgar as someone to "hang out" with. HOW was she to be a role model to her children when she behaves with no manners or sense of decency, herself? Hugging does NOT make up for vulgar behavior. I was disappointed in Meryl Streep and John Krasinski, but expected that kind of behavior out of a sleaze like Baldwin.

They certainly didn't portray "white people" as acting very nice. The fact that their houses were decent is not the problem. The problem was their less than stellar behavior being viewed as "normal."


Okay. Change that to "rich people problems." I still don't know anyone who lives like that. It didn't keep me from enjoying the movie. I think that people in other countries think that we Americans all live like that and it's just not the case. That's a VERY small percentage of the population. I'm not knocking it, just stating a fact. Didn't mean to offend with the "white" comment. I was just adding to the OP's comment, but you're right; we can leave race out of it.

As for the pot smoking, meh. I know plenty of nice people who live very normal lives (jobs, families, etc) who smoke sometimes and it's not a big deal. Lighten up. It was funny.


I am completely baffled.. they were just a normal family.


I am not from the States but I know that not everyone lives like that, apart from that that is not really a problem if two adults want to have some funny time (in this case the pot smoking)


Who made you the PC police? If adults want to swear or smoke or whatever. Mind your own business, prude.





I was just watching it and I thought the same, albeit an unrealistic rich white people image. It looked like something straight out of a Ralph Lauren catalog.


Yes, they were quite wealthy - considering that was in Santa Barabara I think, quite wealthy. But on the west and east coast, there are lots of wealthy people. They have to be - to be able to afford to live there. lol


Not everyone lives in a cosmopolitain city... dont be so close minded to other ways of living...


White people, wtf? No. Well-off people, yes. It was a fun fantasy story and the setting being obviously California and successful professional people therein, it was outside of my personal experience, despite me being a white person as well. That family wasn't dysfunctional enough to match anything I've seen or heard in my experience of life. But no problem - it was a delightful comedy and I thoroughly enjoyed it.


This isn't how white people live, this is how white people WISH they lived!

Seriously, movies like this are lifestyle porn for the American middle class, showing all the things they wish they had, and which aren't available to anyone who works for a living in real life.
