MovieChat Forums > The Acolyte (2024) Discussion > Who the hell names their daughter after

Who the hell names their daughter after

the Occupational Safety and Health Administration? Are they really so creatively bankrupt at that studio that their writers have to resort to stupid stuff like this?


I learned today there's a soap brand called "Osha Mae", spelled exactly like the names of the characters.

Also, there was a character in Game of Thrones named Osha.


That's even worse inspiration than a work safety organization. How much you wanta bet someone in the writer's room saw a bar of soap and decided to use those two names for the twins? Honestly, it's like naming your daughter "Propecia," because it sounds pretty and exotic to you, until you find out the reason people snicker a lot around her is because you made the mistake of naming her after a prophylactic.


It turned out to be an Armenian name, means little fawn or deer:

It probably sounded alien enough for them to use.
