MovieChat Forums > Ghost in the Shell (2017) Discussion > Aside from the race thing; what do you t...

Aside from the race thing; what do you think of Scarlett's acting?

Based on the latest trailer she just seems very bland and wooden to me, I can understand that 'roboticness' is part of the character but I hope she doesn't make it too boring


Very bad, emotionless, she looked bored in every movie, like she's thinking, what do I have to do for a paycheck...


on the contrary, major kusanagi character maybe a 90+% robot but she's very human, not stoic, very dominant (like a leader supposed to be), even sometime crack some jokes, but she stil have that mysterious vibe in her especially her past. So yep, very complex character to be honest.


Yep, thats my issues on this, I dont think most of the people involved on this film have really delved into Ghost in the Shell, can you imagine the directing?

"Right I want you to act like a robot because your basically a robot"


Generic? I think she's okay, but not outstanding. And sometimes, kind of weird. Like she doesn't know how to play a normal human being.


I thought she did just fine.

There were some moments where it looked like she was being directed to appear like a storyboard (like fashioned from scenes in the original).

That first scene with her mother was touching. That was Scarlett acting (and the actress playing the mother did well too).


Agreed, I thought she did well.

It's a shame that it failed at the box office, because I would like to see more of her in this role.


In general I think she's a pretty boring actress, very bland and generic, and not very good at all. She excels when it's an action role or when it's only a voice role, like in Her. But look at Captain America Winter Soldier, anytime she is on screen and has to talk and act at the same time it is painful.

Here she gets away with it due to the fact that she is part machine, and that wooden acting can be excused.


I think she was good. However, I not really like her gait in some scene, she tries to make it weird, robotic maybe. In the original anime the Major has a big blue eyes with no or very very rarely blinking witch set the viewer unease. That I miss a bit.
