¡viva la raza!

wow. this movie was pure cinema. should have seen this one in theaters. it's just as good as the true original, Fury Road.

not to nitpick, but the only problem i had with the movie is that for a lot of it, Furiosa was playing second fiddle to some no-name guy in HER OWN MOVIE. WTF??

we definitely did not need discount Mad Max accompanying Furiosa for like half the movie. it felt like forever till he finally got fridged. i was there to see FURIOSA. we didn't need an implied love story in the meantime, either. more time could have gone into her backstory and action sequences involving her as she grew up with the Desert Amazon babes in the Green Place. this guy (forget his name) didn't add anything to the story... his presence was rather gratuitous and unecessary. he was clearly just there to appease certain groups (we know who and we know why)

also the Hemsworth character was trying so hard to upstage the star in every scene. it was actually funny how hard he was trying and failing at being comedically diabolical to undermine Furiosa... (totally not overcompensating by the way). but even the phony nose was on the nose. but that didn't take me out of it

WHAT DID, MAJOR PLOTHOLE: even 45 years is long enough for a population toiling every day in the sun in desert and no AC and tight access to water for their human skin to start naturally darkening. there was only one or two darker skinned people. not even some sunburn? you kidding? took me right out of the movie. how am i supposed to enjoy a movie when it doesn't adhere to basic scientific facts as i personally understand them. even after all the criticism about Fury Road, Hollywood still hasn't learned. looks like they just want to keep losing gazillions of dollars every year with their FAKE movies. is it so much to ask for a little bit of realism. the fans are entitled to better than this because we make a point of complaining about it. QED

anyway the whole movie is saved by Anya. nuff said (y no... no toleraremos que gringoices a nuestras latinas). would have loved to see her graphically snip some baddie balls (really earn that R rating) but that'll just have to wait till the next highly anticipated installment! best sequel in decades

10/10 ⭐


Didn't know her mother was from Zambia, her dad from Buenos Aires and that her first language was spanish! It's not immediately apparent (to me at least, but what do I know...) that she's of Hispanic descent though. But then again it wasn't either for Rita Hayworth, so there's that.

Agreed: this movie is pure cinema. Not sure I'd rate it as high as 'Fury Road', but it's the good stuff for sure.

"We definitely did not need discount Mad Max accompanying Furiosa for like half the movie. We didn't need an implied love story in the meantime, either."
> Disagree: I thought Praetorian Jack was one of the most compelling presence in the film (saw the film twice in cinema, and both times it's when he enters the story that I become 100% absorbed in the film...).
His (platonic) relationship with 'Furiosa' also makes one see the relationship between Furiosa and Max in 'Fury Road' in a new light, knowing what she'd already been through with Jack. One understands why she's both drawn to Max and reluctant to open herself up to anyone again.
Did you notice that blink-and-miss-it shot of the real Max by the way?

"How am i supposed to enjoy a movie when it doesn't adhere to basic scientific facts as i personally understand them"
> Could it be you're looking for the wrong thing at the wrong place, friend ? :)
The beauty and power of art is that it can reach a deeper and greater truth via as series of certain errors and lies.
And as DePalma said, "Cinema is lies 24 times per second" anyway...

"Fans are entitled to better than this because we make a point of complaining about it."
> Disagree: Fans are "entitled" to precisely NOTHING but the promise they will be able to see the work of art of the director they're paying to see.
If they're lucky they get to see the un-compromised unadulterated vision of the artist. If they're not, they get to see a film made by committee, by studio execs reacting to test screenings and what they think will allow them to buy a second Ferrari, i.e. "a film for the fans".


it's crazy how many celebs are but their english is so good nobody knows. this Rita Hayworth is news to me now too

anya considers herself latina, as she is. that's different from hispanic of course, but argentines are both. a hispanic descent search would need stop at herself, having been raised there culturally, i say

also interesting is that many people in latin america don't consider being "latino" to be inheritable through parents. for them, anyone born and raised in the US is gringo regardless of any descent. there's always spanish language social media dustup when hollywood starts talking about latinos and trot out american born actors who often dont even speak spanish. and latam people are like 'you're not latino!!!!'. those say you have to be born and culturally raised in latin america, while the US we tend to use a descent definition

so apparently this guy's name is Jack... when you put it that way, it actually makes sense. Charlize is quickly trusting after theyre forced to work together. i think it could work just as well more than plutonic if that's how they had chosen it, even. that could add some good tension between future furiosa who could be interested in love interest while max continues with reluctance, wanting to remain loyal to his dead wife

i'd still like to have seen much more time with the desert babes like Charlee Fraser and Elsa Pataky (also hispanic) who got like 1 line... though. Jack oughta take it on the chin and either cut his time in half or add another 1 hour to the runtime. his choice. or director's cut. hmm maybe need a pre prequel.. I wanna know what them ladies are up to and how they pass the time 👀.. can't tease the audience then give us blue balls like that

i also take great offense as an american being told i'm not entitled to what i want. who do you think you are

and yeah i saw max.. quick and tastefully done, not overshadowing the real star. so all in all, on his appearance, i allow it 👍


"also interesting is that many people in latin america don't consider being "latino" to be inheritable through parents. for them, anyone born and raised in the US is gringo regardless of any descent. (...)those say you have to be born and culturally raised in latin america, while the US we tend to use a descent definition"
> Those distinctions ARE interesting... I'll do you one better: for many Japanese, even if you were born and bred in Japan from Japanese parents, if you spend to much time living abroad they consider you not really Japanese anymore!

"i'd still like to have seen much more time with the desert babes like Charlee Fraser and Elsa Pataky (also hispanic) who got like 1 line... though."
> Indeed. Striking women, both of them. However, Elsa Pataky (who, incidentally is Dementus' wife in real life...) actually plays two characters: the vuvalini soldier who bides Furiosa's mother farewell at the beginning, and Mr. Norton, the defaced woman riding with Dementus. They might even be the same character, after the place of abundance has been destroyed and its denizens tortured and gone crazy, some might have joined scavenging gangs. I wonder...

"I also take great offense as an american being told i'm not entitled to what i want. who do you think you are"
>Well, I genuinely can't say if this is meant as parody or if you really mean it. Either way, hats off to you, and I'll drink one to your health, friend.


And now I know why Hollyweird keeps casting an actress with eyes on the side of her head in every movie. "Muh diversity."


LOL. Looks alien to me. Think I will pass. I know times are tough for Directors like Miller and heavy handed Studios but come on. Its not like George doesnt know how to make great indy films. Miller going to damage his legacy like this IMO. Give us a quality Indie film George where you can have full control without going this sheela version of Mad Max route.

"Latina Queen Saga" got a laugh out of me. Yeah.. thats what audiences crave these days Ha Ha! Lets reboot "Roots"with trannies next. That should be a winner! Good lord the film industry has ZERO self awareness these days. Its becoming an entire industry of mental illness and people afraid to speak their minds because they dont want to upset some nutcases feelers.

If I was a filmmaker these days I would just self fund and find a way to make films on the cheap. Put the films out for free and ask for donations if the crowd enjoyed it. Only way for a filmmaker to be able to connect with their audiences anymore. Basically cut out the studios completely. Take things back to bare bones fundamentals. Its gotten out of control.
