Surprised that Emma Watson...

Would be okay with the fact that Hermione chose Ron. Being the feminist she is, I don't get why she would like that her character ended up with someone who's pretty abusive to her. He's always criticizing her, ruined her time at the dance when she felt like a star because of his own jealousy, and makes Hermione feel guilty for spending time with Harry because of his own insecurity. Hermione could have done so much better.


Luckily in 2011 everyone in Hollywood was way less woke. If it was done nowadays,maybe she would have said that to the director and he would have been forced to change this thing.


They would make Harry Potter black if it were today and Hermione would have chosen him over Ron.


Yeah, but I felt like Emma Watson was a feminist even before then I thought. But I don't know. It just always seemed like Hermione forgave Ron all the time when they never even talked about anything or apologized. And he just keeps screwing up. I can't see that as a lasting marriage.


Actors often don't get to say who does what in the screenplay - especially a screenplay that is a book adaptation.

Also, we don't see Ron for large stretches during the last four books. Maybe he is a better guy than we know. He is certainly insecure, but part of that comes from being a younger son in a family that is not wealthy and consistently being overlooked for his famous friend Harry "The Chosen One" Potter.

By the way, if Harry was such a good guy, why didn't he purchase a set of dress robes for Ron? Harry obviously had the coin. It would be the least he could do for a best friend that would otherwise have been humiliated.
