MovieChat Forums > Nurse Jackie (2009) Discussion > Why did Jackie (spoilers)

Why did Jackie (spoilers)

choose to essintially kill herself in the end?
Her daughter was in a good place, she got her license back and a new job.

I know Eddie was going away for a year or so, but I just didn't see why she went out that way.

TWITTER @bigdaddy6666




I don't think she died at the end. It seems as though they left the conclusion open to viewer interpretation, as she was showing signs of life all the way through the last frame. Is it possible this is because while she was mostly unlikable, her genuine concern and desire to care for others made her human enough for us to not wish to see her die at the end?

Thoughts anybody?


She's dead. No one could survive doing that much heroin. And she damn well knew that.


She's not dead. In the last shot, she's alive and conscious. The guy who wrote the episode has stated that he thinks she survived.




She probably hated herself for being a junkie. And she realized she's always gonna be tempted even after rehab and no one is ever going to trust her again. O'Hara knew she was still using and that made Jackie realize that she would always be a junkie.
