Cougar vs. Lion

Let's not disrespect the King of the Jungle by throwing the term "lion" around so loosely. There is a big difference between a mountain lion/cougar and a real lion. The latter can lick your skin off and crack your skull with a swat from its paw. 300 pounds plus of muscle, with a roar that can be heard miles away.

Granted it doesn't climb trees though.


A cougar is also called a mountain lion.


Cougar/Mountain Lion/Puma...same thing. It's also supposedly called a panther and catamount too, though they seem less commonly used.

Funny how one animal is widely known by three different but all very well known terms. I don't have a prefered term for the animal myself, I use all three but I would probably say 'mountain lion' is the go to.


Yeah I live in a country with only pumas and as a kid I hated that they would try to con me into calling them lions. I would be like a lion is the one with the mane and stuff.

They have grown on me with time though they're actually pretty cool.


It was technically a puma swede
