Worst remake I have ever seen.

Seriously, there is so much wrong with this as a remake that if somebody tells me it was a good movie(and they have seen the original) I know they do not really know anything about stories for the screen. Normally, I can see how someone might like a film when I hated it, but this was just such a train wreck that the only excuse is if someone isn't familiar with the original.

I get that the original was written so that Freddy was a molester, but sometimes the original idea just isn't that great for film. The fact that it was too "out there" for the film at the time was probably the best thing for the original film. It just didn't make sense with the psychology of molesters vs killers.

Then there's the character Freddy. Jackie Earl Haley looked like an alien and he didn't make a good Freddy. Freddy Krueger is a character that already has a persona that is Robert Englund. It's not a character you can recast unless you get a carbon copy.

Finally there was nothing about this film that was Freddy Krueger. This character has a trademark that is his wittiness, and yet he said absolutely nothing during the film that was witty. That alone renders the entire thing bad. I mean the wittiness IS Freddy, if you take the out then you messed the entire film up. The screenwriters, Michael Bay, and the director truly made a terrible remake that any true Nightmare fan would disown as a Nightmare film.


You don't like the film. We all get it. Others, myself included DID like it. I love the original film. And each ensuing sequel got worse and worse....due to Freddy and his ever growing wittiness as you put it. He's a child molesting murderer. Not a comedian. Dumbass.


I saw the original when I was 8 and was scared witless! Saw the films again in my 20s and thought the original was scary but really well made. I watched this really for Clancy Brown, who I utterly adore. Sadly, I thought the remake was pretty bad as it just seemed to lack plot, character development and fluidity. The only things I liked were Jackie's Freddy laugh and Clancy's brief role. I thought the back story was pretty skewiff and, as another poster has already said, it just didn't seem to fit the franchise. Oh well, that's my take on it.




you should see the American remake of Japanese film apartment 1303. truly horrible script even if acting was ok

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today


For me, it is far from being the worst remake I have ever seen. I actually like this remake quite a lot so I completely disagree with the OP. You want bad remakes? Try Friday the 13th or The Thing or Wes Craven's 'original' The Last House on The Left (which was actually a loose remake of The Virgin Spring from Ingmar Bergman), which is for me one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life.

Bill Foster: I'm the bad guy?...How did that happen?



Well to each his own I would say. And I would not call it judgement but opinions. Most people I know who do watch a lot of movies, just like me, actually liked the remake, even though it is not a masterpiece, granted. But I liked Jackie Earle Haley as the new Freddy, I liked the darker angle they used with the character and I thought the other actors were decent as well.

Also, I have to disagree that the original is the best movie for me. I think New Nightmare was scarier and more interesting, and so was Dream Warriors for me.

Bill Foster: I'm the bad guy?...How did that happen?



Again, no offense, but that is YOUR opinion. Several people might share the same opinion as you, and you have the right to it, no doubt about it, but I disagree with you. This for me is FAR from the worst remake ever made; have you seen the The Thing remake? The Friday the 13th remake? The Pulse american remake with Kristen Bell? The House of Wax remake with freaking Paris Hilton? Or the Black Christmas remake? THOSE were quite bad for me.

Bill Foster: I'm the bad guy?...How did that happen?



I guess you do not understand the meaning of 'opinions' then. Fact is, I am sure even you have liked some movies which were not well received by the critics or the audience or both.

And in terms of remakes, well some are surprisingly good to me while others are quite dreadful. The Hills Have Eyes, for example, was a genuinely decent remake which managed to surpass the original from Wes Craven for me. More recently, I thought the Evil Dead remake, while not necessarily superior to the original, was actually surprisingly decent and raw.

But coming back to the original Nightmare, as well regarded as it is, I still prefer some of the sequels to the original. I will grant you that the original did offer one hell of a great new concept for a horror film and part of the movie is still quite creepy. But some of the acting felt forced for me and some of the effects look quite dated now, unlike a movie like John Carpenter's The Thing which has to be one of the best horror remake I have seen in which the effects still look freaking awesome. And for the record, The Thing was actually not very well received by the public nor the critics initially.

Bill Foster: I'm the bad guy?...How did that happen?


Dream Warriors is much better than the original


The original is a pretty cheesy and weak film. Great idea for sure. The acting is atrocious and the ending makes almost no sense at all. Freddy is a great character, and it's certainly nostalgic, but I can't say it's the best in the series.




I believe that the Remake made more money than the Original because people wanted to see what the Remake would be like. I know that's why I watched it. When they were remaking other movies and when I heard they were remaking "Nightmare On Elm Street" I was pissed and I had to see it to see how they would do it.

Robert Englund will always be Freddy Krueger to me.


I was rooting for this movie because I WANTED to like it. I'm a big fan of JEH so I was onside from the start. I thought 'Day Of The Dead' was virtually unwatchable.

I was hoping that Clancy Brown was the real molester and had framed Freddie. That would have been a nice twist.

This was as big an uphill struggle as that guy taking over from Doug Bradley as Pinhead.

There was a serious death of imagination in all concerned. Not atrocious though. 6/10


Rob Zombie's remake of "Halloween" is the worst remake ever, even though I find the original overrated. At least this remake tried to make Freddy dark and scary again, unlike the dreadful sequels.


What did having Freddy being a child molester add? it didn't make him anymore threatening, he was already more effect as a child killer, being a child molester meant he wasn't much of a killer to begin as just a deprived pervert.
