Sci-Fi Yellowstone

is pretty much all this is, they are cashing in on the revival of Westerns.


It's nothing like Yellowstone.

Clearly you have not even watched the two released episodes.


Yellowstone (2018) (tv show): A ranching family in Montana faces off against others encroaching on their land.

Outer Range (2022) (tv show): A rancher fighting for his land and family, who discovers an unfathomable mystery at the edge of Wyoming's wilderness.

Seem pretty similar to me.


yeah,but you're just going by words and facts ... what good are they ? ;-)


lol, good point, stupid words... both are ranchers fighting for their family and land. c'mon brobeans, give me something here. lol

looks interesting though and might watch it soon.


I don't care what anyone says... I was hesitant at first, but god damn now I need to know more.

No doubt, even with a big name actor, it will be cancelled and run short before we really know anything. Like lost, it will drag on giving snippets of clues but never revealing anything, then suddenly, it was all a ghosts dream.

better fuckin' not. I'm diggin' this so far. Brolin, well, Thanos wasn't blipped.. Just sent back in time a few years, made human, and became a cowboy.

This could go anywhere. I want to know where. That ending of ep2 though, holy buckets, now I've gotta wait a few days to even find out wtf was going on. Love it. Not the waiting, but the path it's taking.

To quote the doctor from hellraiser.. "And to think... I hesitated."


I am going to wait for more episodes to drop before I start. and Brolin is a good actor too, so that helps.


The ending gives a bit too much info.

But so far a good show.

His prant was amazing, lol.


any good so far? the reviews are less than stellar.


Ups and downs.

All are weird, reacting weird, weird actions, etc.

Acting is quite good and the mystery could be better but all in one is decent. Not sure if I would recommend it ...


Have you watched Yellowstone? These two shows are nothing alike aside from the fact that they include ranches.



Yellowstone (2018) (tv show): A ranching family in Montana faces off against others encroaching on their land.

Outer Range (2022) (tv show): A rancher fighting for his land and family, who discovers an unfathomable mystery at the edge of Wyoming's wilderness.


Again, have you watched Yellowstone? Nothing alike. Going by your logic every movie shot in New York is alike because they're in New York etc etc. GTFOH lol



Yellowstone (2018) (tv show): A ranching family in Montana

Outer Range (2022) (tv show): A rancher family in Wyoming


Dumb way to compare things but you do you lol.


lol, I am weird like that....

just saying they are similar.


So like I said, is every movie/show set in New York alike because they are in New York? You saying they are similar is incorrect. You saying they have a similar setting would be correct.


"You saying they have a similar setting would be correct."

that proves I am not crazy! lol :)

it was a long road but we got there...

like I said in another post, I do my best to convey my thoughts and opinions but it usually doesn't translate well on the internet.
