MovieChat Forums > Dune (2021) Discussion > Overlong & tedious

Overlong & tedious

David Lynch managed to tell the entire Dune story in 20 minutes less time than Villeneuve's version of the first half. There are scenes that beg editing or removal altogether. The depressing, ubiquitous grey of the film seems to draw it out even longer. Neither Chalamet nor Isaac, both usually fine actors, projects the status of his character. Sound-wise, there are several times when it's impossible to understand the dialog. The music is unceasingly oppressive. The sometimes stunning CGI doesn't make up for the slog that is this Dune.


I think that is a fair review. I liked the movie for its effort, but it was not without a lot of faults. I just wonder what they were thinking with some of the choices they made? I thought Isaac was better than Chalamet, and the supporting characters were cardboard cutouts with no real scenes that made them integral to the movie.


Yup, it was sloggish

TBH, threads like these are the only reason why I come to this website at all. On Facebook or Reddit (not sure what other dedicated movie forums exist as I don't bother to go looking for them) you get a strong reaction if you express ambivalence, or anything short of awe and enthusiasm, for hyped-up movies like this

I also had issues with the grayness of this movie hehe. Not surprising considering how gray Arrival was, but I guess Dune at least balanced the grayness with the golden-beige of the Desert scenes

And yeah, I thought Chalamet's performance was pretty good, but pretty much every other actor was just forgettable and dull, which is shocking considering how much star-power they stuffed into this movie
