MovieChat Forums > Fireproof (2008) Discussion > I Am Giving Up On Christianity...

I Am Giving Up On Christianity...

That's right, I'm giving up on Christianity. Because some aspects about it just don't seem right to me.

What's bothering me most about it is the Christian attitude towards homosexuality. Now, I'm not homosexual, but I know many people who are. And I used to be against it, blindly, because my church told me to be. But as I think more and more about it... why the hate and condemning??? So a person is not attractive to the opposite sex... does this mean that they're wrong to be attracted to the same sex and that they're going to hell because of this???

Consider this. No, seriously... hear me out and think about this. Imagine, if you will, that you are in love with somebody. Completely and fully in love. You'd do anything for this person, you care about this person more than anything else. You love them, and they love you. They're the one for you. One day, a new law is passed that the person you love must line up with certain guidelines, or else you can't be with them. Let's imagine the government was really like this, controlling who we are supposed to love and be with. And let's say the person you loved didn't match up with the guidelines you were supposed to follow. So now apparently you two can't be together. But you LOVE this person! How could such a thing happen? Are you really supposed to now break up with the love of your life and go find someone else who supposedly "matches" up with you, according to law? Are you REALLY supposed to say, ""You know what, they're right. I truly love this person, but just to be safe, I'd better break up with my love and go find someone else that I am 'supposed' to be with."

NO. This would NEVER happen. So why is Christianity trying to control who people are supposed to LOVE and BE WITH? How dare you try to tell someone who to love and who not to?? You can't control who a person falls in love with!! A person CANNOT be condemned for FALLING IN LOVE. I don't care what gender, NOBODY can or should be condemned for loving another human being. A person cannot help who they fall in love with. Can YOU? Like the color of a person's skin, a person's sexuality, most of the time, cannot be chosen. If a person loves and is attracted to the same gender, how on earth is it right to force them to love the opposite gender, when clearly they can't? How can you possibly believe that it is a sin to love someone... no matter who it is...

Christians need to stop referring to the OLD Testament and start turning their attention on this topic to the NEW Testament, what JESUS says. JESUS taught love. He hung around the "minorities" and everyone was welcome to listen to the vital life lessons he taught. He said "Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself". Why are Christians openly hating gay people so much? Or, the so-called "sin" of gay people? Jesus wouldn't be condemning them. Jesus wouldn't hate them. Jesus would show them love. Jesus wouldn't turn them away. Christians need to do the same, but sadly, it doesn't seem like it's going to happen. If they want to change, they'll change. If not, well, I can't say I'd blame them.

Anyway, I don't know if this all flowed well together, but I knew I wanted to say something about homosexuality, and the fact that I'm giving up on Christianity because not many Christians are seeing sense about the topic, and I don't want to be included anymore.

I'm giving up on Christianity... to follow Jesus. He is the way. He is love. Not discrimination, hate, or condemning.


No, I really don't care about the attitude of "Christianity" toward homosexual acts, for instance. But I *do care* about the view of Jesus Christ towards acts which God condemns in the Bible.

You see, I'm an imperfect sinner and my personal "evaluation system" for what I might think is good and bad is flawed. So I choose to accept God's views instead.

Now, someone will try to claim that "The Bible isn't clear" or "People have different interpretations." Sure. If you want to dismiss what the Bible says, you can always find a way to do it. I choose to let it speak for itself. (And don't try to say that "scholars who have studied the Bible know better" because I have multiple degrees in Biblical studies and exegesis. So I'm not that gullible.)

Disagree with me? Fine. You and I both have freewill. You will be judged for your choices and I will be judged for mine. Time will tell.


"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion." -- Abraham Lincoln


1 - I won't say that "The Bible isn't clear" or "People have different interpretations." I'll just point out that it has been translated many, many times over the millennia & all the VARIATIONS tell different stories. You think your KJ version is accurate? Don't make me laugh!

2 - There are over 400 recognised religions in the world, but Xtians are so far gone that they continually babble on about how the other 399 are the bad, wrong ones. It's comical...

3 - Anyone who believes in their very-own magic daddy in the clouds, up there with their best interests at heart, is simply delusional.

I have opinions of my own, but I don't always agree with them - George Bush


1. "I'll just point out that it has been translated many, many times over the millennia & all the VARIATIONS tell different stories. You think your KJ version is accurate? Don't make me laugh!"

You are right. The Bible has been translated many, many times; however, one thing many people do not take into account is the accuracy and diligence of Jewish scribes. The Dead Sea Scrolls were an example of this. Whereas a few words (very few, mind you) were lost in translation over the years, the copies of many old testament books that were found are nearly IDENTICAL to what we have today. No major meaning was lost throughout the course of 2500 years.

I am a Christian. I believe that the Bible is the word of God, and I believe that much of the Bible can be confirmed through logic, history, and yes...even science! I also believe that if it is God's word, then He will guide it and make it stay true to itself over the millennia.

2. "There are over 400 recognised religions in the world, but Xtians are so far gone that they continually babble on about how the other 399 are the bad, wrong ones. It's comical..."

Well, this argument does not make sense to me. All of these religions will also be very quick to tell you that every other religion is "wrong" and "bad" as well. The only exception to this rule may be Universalism, but once again this religion does not hold up. It is impossible to believe that ALL religions will get you into heaven, when of course ALL religions say their's is the only way.

3."Anyone who believes in their very-own magic daddy in the clouds, up there with their best interests at heart, is simply delusional."

You have not postulated any argument with that statement. I can as well very easily say that "Anyone who believes there is no creator to this all-complex, ridiculously intricate universe, is simply delusional." I have not put forth any argument worth anyone's time.

I am a Christian, but I am not going to pretend that all Christians are loving people. Sadly, the individualistic views that America supports has warped many of the Churches into an entertainment phenomenon for highly distracted people...This does not change anything about Jesus, though. He is still good.

Last thing, I see in your name you have Zarathustra. Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a very interesting work written by a very intelligent man, but it's no way to live your life. :). Too depressing for my taste.

I would appreciate if we kept whatever further debate we have very friendly. Have a good one.


As Christians...we are to love the homosexual person with the love of Christ and to hate the SIN of homosexuality. Many miss that mark and I apologize for them.



I believe that it IS a choice...I do not believe that people are born that way. We have many things happen to us growing up and even as adults that may push one to feeling that way but again, I do not believe that one is born homosexual.



When I say I "believe" there is a reason I believe. That belief is from the Bible. The Bible calls homosexuality sin and whenever sin is involved it is a choice. Yes, homosexuality is and has been around for hundreds of years. I know you probably don't believe that the Bible is authentic as God through the Holy Spirit, inspired men to write. There are many versions of the Bible out there today, I know, and some have been interpreted incorrectly (in my opinion). You have to go back to the original text to be closest to what God had to say. If you don't believe the Bible is fact...try to go back to history and disprove may be surprised.

Another thing I'd like to say is that we are ALL born with the sin nature and until you ask the Lord Jesus to save you and come into your heart (the Holy Spirit of God comes to live inside you when you ask to be saved...if you are sincere), then the Holy Spirit gives you the strength to overcome sin. No, we are not perfect, we all fall short and fall into temptation at times but we ask for forgiveness and try again to follow Christ. We have our will to either give in to temptation or allow ourselves not to entertain the very idea of whatever the temptation is.

Regardless, if you don't believe that the Bible is God's Word written to man, then I guess there is nothing left to say to you on the subject as that would be pointless. I have enjoyed the discussions.



The killing of children in the Bible is in the old testament. I cannot understand why the wiping out of children were included in the old testament times, except that, that would be the only way to kill out a complete race of people, even in that I don't understand. God is God...perhaps God himself realized later that he knew he did not want to do that anymore. (God promised after the flood that He would never again destroy the world by flood.)

God is real and our mortal minds cannot comprehend the mind of God. I trust Him because his Spirit has been with me for many years (36+ years) now and he has performed several miraculous things in my life that could not have possibly been coincidences. When you ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and life and live for Him, you feel his Spirit and His Spirit guides and helps you. He is coming again one day and every knee shall bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Only trust Him...He will save you and make your life better than you could have ever imagined. That said, it doesn't mean you will not have problems and trials...they will come as well as the good wonderful times.



Satan is prince of this world and it is he who brings evil on the world. Yes, God allows it for now but there will come a day when he will no longer let the horrible things happen. The Bible says that Satan walks about the whole earth seeking whom he may devour.

God gives man free choose Him and live in love or choose evil and follow Satan.

I am unfamiliar with your quote "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" however, witchcraft is very clearly a sin according to God.






You should never, EVER allow the actions of other people to dictate your beliefs. Your beliefs should be based upon your trust in the One who died to set you free from your sins: Jesus Christ. Do NOT allow the actions of others to determine your faith. Do NOT turn away from Jesus Christ because of the behavior of other people.



If you're still reading this thread, listen to your heart.

Everyone has an agenda and the only way to truly have that special relationship with God, Buddha, Allah, Emperor Zenu, The flying Spaghetti monster, etc is to reach within yourself
If I may edit from the post above me for a second:
You should never, EVER allow the actions of other people to dictate your beliefs. Your beliefs should be based upon you.

"Internet Whiner, I care not what you think!"






Why are we even talking about homosexuality??? This movie dealt with pornography and a broken marriage...but it had nothing to do with homosexuality. Why are you bringing it up? Just to start a stir?



YO PLUSDIZZLE You have made alot of good points!! but u seem to be judging every Christian, not every Christian is like that, God tells us to love one another, including homosexuals!! now i totally agrea that we should love them and treat them as we treat everyone else. I used to go to a church for 8 years and they never had any african americans as members and i never really thought about it, i think i get it now. and i think that is wrong we have no right to judge people by there skin color or there sexuality. BUT Christ says that homosexuality is wrong. plain and simple!!!! now alot of people that are homosexuals have been sexualy abused as children by the oposite sex most likley one of the parents. so they form a bond with their sex. most are not born homosexuals. i am glad that u are choseing to follow Christ. we need more people that are willing TO LOVE ALL. but dont give up on all Christians


now alot of people that are homosexuals have been sexualy abused as children by the oposite sex most likley one of the parents. so they form a bond with their sex.

Citation needed.

More fish for Kunta


now alot of people that are homosexuals have been sexualy abused as children by the oposite sex most likley one of the parents. so they form a bond with their sex.

Citation needed.

SEE: Navaros.

Writer/Director -- ROULETTE



Though I would argue that Navaros doesn't represent "alot" [sic] of homosexuals. He is one sad, solitary case of everything that can possibly go wrong, will. He's the living, breathing epitome of Murphy's Law.

More fish for Kunta


Many years of theater, film and radio work have put me in close contact with numerous homosexuals, many of whom have become close, personal friends.

It's easy to hate someone you've never taken the time to speak with outside of condemnation, particularly when hiding in a bubble of safety.

But yes, Navaros sounds closeted. I say this not as an insult to homosexuals, but offer it rather as a personal experience based on...that's right, wait for it...experience getting to know people who are "different"!

Writer/Director -- ROULETTE



Nah. There's too much insane passion to be merely trolling.

Writer/Director -- ROULETTE




Writer/Director -- ROULETTE


There's too much insane passion

I have a normal passion for promoting goodness and opposing evil, as does every decent person.

On the other hand, you have a passion to stalk, to be a disgusting person, and to make posts that try to glorify your sicko behaviour. Your passions are insane.

You are a troll. You hate God and all things good, yet you make trolls posts on boards for godly films. You even admitted to another poster that you troll the boards of godly films for entertainment. Hypocrite.


Good news though. The God hating trolls have recently been hellbanned from IMDb...

This message has been deleted by an administrator

Notice the ungodly troll on this thread that trolled me for a year now has his account zapped. IMDb seems to be taking a harder line stance against these people that come onto godly film boards and do nothing but troll and mock.

Let this be a lesson to the God haters reading this (oh, and if a non Christian replies to this post guess what? You'll expose yourself as a "God hating troll" so be my guest!)

Definition of an "IMDb Atheist":
We don't believe that God exists, YET we enjoy spending countless hours arguing with those who do (only Christians). So **in effect** we enjoy arguing about what we believe amounts to NOTHING. And that is the hallmark of our religion, the religion of "nothing".


I have a normal passion for promoting goodness and opposing evil, as does every decent person.

On the other hand, you have a passion to stalk, to be a disgusting person, and to make posts that try to glorify your sicko behaviour. Your passions are insane.

You are a troll. You hate God and all things good, yet you make trolls posts on boards for godly films. You even admitted to another poster that you troll the boards of godly films for entertainment. Hypocrite.

Please tell us more about how unfairly maligned you've been by "evil atheists," you sick, repressed, woman-repressing, child-stoning, homosexual-hating, small-minded bigot.

Writer/Director -- ROULETTE


I have a normal passion for promoting goodness and opposing evil, as does every decent person.

On the other hand, you have a passion to stalk, to be a disgusting person, and to make posts that try to glorify your sicko behaviour. Your passions are insane.

You are a troll. You hate God and all things good, yet you make trolls posts on boards for godly films. You even admitted to another poster that you troll the boards of godly films for entertainment. Hypocrite.

We can't all be as healthy, happy, and emotionally stable as you are, Nav.

Writer/Director -- ROULETTE


He is one sad, solitary case of everything that can possibly go wrong, will.

Why, because I oppose the evil that you and all atheists love?

Nothing is wrong with that.

Something is wrong with you loving evil, and with you thinking something is wrong with people who do not love evil like yourself.



I'm sorry you feel this way about Christianity and I'm not going to judge you on it, however I do ask that you at least acknowledge that the way Christians act today and the way Christians SHOULD act is very different.

Holy Moly, 6 pages of responses I'm not going to read... So I'll just respond oblivious to the other posts:

why the hate and condemning???

The hate and condemning comes from prejudice. Unfortunately, so many Christians will hold homosexuality to a different standard. The truth is, Christians aren't suppose to hate anyone for any reason.

So a person is not attractive to the opposite sex... does this mean that they're wrong to be attracted to the same sex and that they're going to hell because of this???

Christians do give that impression, but no, no one goes to hell just because they're attracted to the same sex. NO WHERE in the bible does it say that. So any Christian who has told you that is being stupid (happens far to often -_-)

How could such a thing happen? Are you really supposed to now break up with the love of your life and go find someone else who supposedly "matches" up with you, according to law?

You probably wont believe me when I say this, but I am gay myself. You have no idea how much I wish I could simply walk up to a gay guy, start a relationship and fall in love. It's extremely painful, and something I truly wish the bible didn't state.

The truth is, if the scenario you wrote occurred, then God would more then likely force the two guys/girls to break up. How could such a thing happen? Well, such a thing has happened to me, and it hurts yes, but I have faith that God will heal the wound as time goes on. I suppose if you're gay, then the best thing to do is avoid falling in love with the same sex, then maybe breaking up wont be as painful.

How can you possibly believe that it is a sin to love someone... no matter who it is...

It isn't a sin to love anyone. When you described falling in love, I was under the assumption that you were referring to the kind of love that involves having sex with each other. There is no scripture that says not to fall in love with any kind of person, it only says not to have sex with the same gender (along with other various sexual laws). Obviously, this is quite a rip off since when you fall in love someone, you're going to want to have sex with them. >_<

Why are Christians openly hating gay people so much? Or, the so-called "sin" of gay people?

As I said before, the hatred towards gays is something Christians need to stop. You are absolutely correct that Jesus wouldn't turn them away. Whenever I meet a gay person, I treat them just like everyone else and I have nothing prejudice against them.

NEW Testament, what JESUS says.

It's very odd that Jesus never actually said anything about homosexuals. Talk about suspicious. The only time homosexuals are ever mentioned in the New Testament is in Romans when the prophesy describes how woman and men exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100%
proud of it copy this and make your signature!
My Horrendous Novel:


The bible is just words written by tribesmen in a desert 2,000 years ago and re-written as the the centuries has gone on. Nothing more. There are thousands of Gods out there, what makes this one so special? God won by popular vote. Nothing more. The more 'followers' you have, the more dominate you become. When the phrase, 'I'm a God fearing person' is uttered, I always found that to be an ironic phrase. The bible is a tool that is supposed to be used to encourage love, why is the word 'fear' used so much? It's like a rapist holding a gun to a woman's head and saying, 'Sex or death'. Christians are holding a gun to society's head and saying, 'Worship or burn'. It's disgusting. There are 31,000 scriptures in the bible and people seem to cherry pick which ones best suit their personality. Don't like gays? Awesome, we have six verses that condemn it, you're in the clear to hate them. Don't like black people? Cool, we can interpret a few verses that says it's ok to condone slavery. Women? Got that one covered, there are many instances where it says a woman's place is to be silent by her husband’s side.

Sitting in a church and saying ‘amen’ to condemn a group of people doesn’t make you a child of God. What I see is a society of lazy bigots who think uttering the words, ‘I believe in God’, is some sort of statement of their righteousness. It’s not. You damn innocent people on baseless hatred, you deny them their rights, and when the oppress rise up and call you out you hide behind the bible pointing it and saying, ‘It’s not me who hates you, the bible says I can’. Phonies.

This book has inspired more bloodshed, more oppression, more hatred, more murder and more misery then anything else in recorded human history. You would think by this time in human history the delusion would have subsided, but no. The powers behind this evil will hold onto that power like grim death. I wish there was a hell for them to go to.


Everything you said in the 2nd paragraph of your post is true, I tell you that whatever negative impression you got from Christianity was due to Christian's ultimately failing their job.

Awesome, we have six verses that condemn it, you're in the clear to hate them.

It is a common misconception by Christians to think that since the bible condemns a certain activity that we are suppose to condemn those. It is God’s job to condemn and judge people, not ours. Jesus said not to judge anyone.

The bible is just words written by tribesmen in a desert 2,000 years ago and re-written as the the centuries has gone on.

If the bible were to be re-written at some point from it's original context, chances are there would be the original text somewhere else. Last I looked, that wasn't the case. Also, the reason why you choose to believe that the bible was ratified is to suite your belief that the bible is meaningless and therefore doesn't matter.

This book has inspired more bloodshed, more oppression, more hatred, more murder and more misery then anything else in recorded human history.

What evidence do you have that supports your notion? What particular events have happened due to the bible that conclude that the bible has apparently 'caused more bloodshed then anything else? Was the bible responsible for the holocaust, was the bible responsible for the two World Wars?

Don't like black people? Cool, we can interpret a few verses that says it's ok to condone slavery. Women? Got that one covered, there are many instances where it says a woman's place is to be silent by her husband’s side.

The advocation of slavery in the bible is still a mystery to me. I don’t really get how slavery can be something God favors, yet the bible does seem to promote it. Jesus never had anything to say to slaves or gays. It’s only the apostles of God that say homosexuality is wrong as well as all your other points. Perhaps those were mistakes on the apostle’s part? I don’t know. As for women, the only instances of women being silent is where Paul told women to be silent in the church, not husbands. It says in numerous places that husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves the church. So I’m not certain what verses you’re referring to.

My Novel: 93


"If the bible were to be re-written at some point from it's original context, chances are there would be the original text somewhere else. "

Any "original text" would just be taken from the oral tradition - a highly suspect method when it comes to accuracy. Never heard of chinese whispers? NONE of the gospels were actually written until years after the event.

"What evidence do you have that supports your notion? "

Religious wars alone would verify this (check your history books) and that's not even looking at ethnic cleansing, perseutions etc. carried out by the Christian church.

" Perhaps those were mistakes on the apostle’s part?"

Perhaps so, but that doesn't stop Christians using their 'mistakes' to perscute others.

"Ignorance is not a privilege, it's a handicap"


“Everything you said in the 2nd paragraph of your post is true, I tell you that whatever negative impression you got from Christianity was due to Christian's ultimately failing their job.”

Amen to that, I believe that people who call themselves ‘Christians’ are no better than most oppressors throughout history. Now, I do not have faith, but that doesn’t mean many of the teachings of the bible, especially Jesus Christ, cannot resonate today. A man who afflicted the comfortable and comforted the afflicted. It’s a good message. But those who condemn innocent people today are no better than those casting stones in the bible. All Christians? No, not all, many do good in their community, but a shame that even they are shunned and judged by many who believe their kindness is corrupted and go against their view on the bible.

“If the bible were to be re-written at some point from it's original context, chances are there would be the original text somewhere else. Last I looked, that wasn't the case. Also, the reason why you choose to believe that the bible was ratified is to suite your belief that the bible is meaningless and therefore doesn't matter.”

Even if is in its original text, then I find a lot of problems with it then. I’ve read some very disturbing things in it, from the death of innocent children to satisfy an angry God to the ownership of slaves. Much of that is from the old testament, but there are stories from the new that sound just as insane. To me the bible does not matter, I’ll give you that. It’s a fable, from virgins giving birth, angels popping up every now and again, and sometimes becoming fallen angels and becoming a force of evil (sounds like a plot from Harry Potter), to conversations with talking snakes to burning bushes. We have men with the ability to part seas so people can safely pass to the dead being resurrected. It’s quite the scene. Even science has conflicting theories as to how the earth came to be, granted, but there’s more proof, logic and reason behind their findings then a series of supernatural events that for some mysterious reason do not occur today. God was more determined to prove his existence to people back in the day it seems.

“What evidence do you have that supports your notion? What particular events have happened due to the bible that conclude that the bible has apparently 'caused more bloodshed then anything else? Was the bible responsible for the holocaust, was the bible responsible for the two World Wars?”

I didn’t say all horrific events were because of the church, but the church has had its fair share of scandal over the many centuries. The power of the internet is amazing, do some research, or if you’d like I can provide many links. The inquisition, witch burnings, child molestation, the crusades, the anti-Semitism that ran rampant in the 20th century in the United States and elsewhere. John Paul II in the year 2000 apologized for much of the past 2,000 years, there was a damn good reason he was issuing an apology.

"The advocation of slavery in the bible is still a mystery to me. I don’t really get how slavery can be something God favors, yet the bible does seem to promote it. Jesus never had anything to say to slaves or gays. It’s only the apostles of God that say homosexuality is wrong as well as all your other points. Perhaps those were mistakes on the apostle’s part? I don’t know. As for women, the only instances of women being silent is where Paul told women to be silent in the church, not husbands. It says in numerous places that husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves the church. So I’m not certain what verses you’re referring to."

Jesus Christ is, for a lack of a better way of putting, the mascot for what Christians should be like. You're right, he never once said anything about or against homosexuality or slavery. Those who wrote the bible could very well have had an agenda or an opinion of their own, or misinterpreted the image and message of God. I have don't know, I personally don’t believe there is a God or that he told anyone his meanings or intentions. I believe he is an invention of man, the one thing that people fear the most is death. What a comfort to believe we live in on in another state of conscience being in paradise. Many people feel this life would be empty without that notion. I think they are entitled to their beliefs and their faith, I don’t intend to patronize them. My problem with this faith is when it becomes public policy to deny basic human rights to people, Jesus was never a Republican nor politician in any form. Yet politicians throw his name around cheaply believing God is somehow swaying the people in their favor so they can do good in God’s name. Jesus never needed a ballot box or debate with other people proclaiming themselves to be prophets. He just went out and did good. If he were alive today the last place he would be is in front of a camera or a rally denouncing anyone else.


I didn’t say all horrific events were because of the church,

You stated that the bible ‘caused more violence then anything else. I sort of got the impression that you felt the bible was responsible for all if not most of the world’s chaos.

I personally don’t believe there is a God or that he told anyone his meanings or intentions.

Fair enough. Believing in God is kind of like believing in ghost; You think you don’t believe in them and you’re convinced they’re not real until you witness real encounters that present darn good evidence. Everyone has different reasons for believing in God, and my reasons are due to the spooky “supernatural” things that happened to my dad.

Those events in a nutshell:

~Dad prayed for several years that his dad(grandpa) would receive salvation. The night before Easter, my grandpa told my dad that he believes in Jesus and is saved. The very next day he got a stroke and died at age 89

~Dad got into witchcraft practices that included table lifting. For some bizarre reason, when there was a bible on the table it wouldn’t lift, but it would lift with any other book

~Dad got the shingles and one day a good friend of his put her hand on the area with the spots, prayed that the shingles would go away and they did, literally immediately after the prayer

~My aunt was convinced that a demon was nagging her conscience. So my dad prayed in a room with her that the demon would go away, and he saw very quickly (I can’t remember if his eyes were closed or not) a glimpse of a hideous purple creature with one big yellow eye in the middle of it’s head. After the prayer, my aunt told dad that the demon had left and that she saw a quick glimpse of it with her eyes closed. She said it was purple with one big yellow in the middle of it’s head

For me to deny God’s existence would be claiming that all those events were pure coincidence, that those just happened on pure chance and mean nothing. I don’t believe for a second that those happenings were of no force that we can’t see. This is one of the reasons why people believe that God is real, ‘cause they’re one of the people who were fortunate/unfortunate enough to see the spiritual workings. There are several other spiritual encounters I can list, but those are the ones that stand out the most for me. More then likely, you never had these sort of things happened to you, so it’s understandable why you wouldn’t believe in God.

Jesus was never a Republican nor politician in any form. Yet politicians throw his name around cheaply believing God is somehow swaying the people in their favor so they can do good in God’s name.

Indeed. I wish people would stop blurring God and politics together. I don’t really see why they have to mix so much.

My Novel: 93


" I sort of got the impression that you felt the bible was responsible for all if not most of the world’s chaos. "

As a single cause, it is. History has shown this.

"Ignorance is not a privilege, it's a handicap"


I do stand by that religion has probably done more harm than good over the centuries, I stand by that. I don’t presume to believe that everyone who has taken a life or oppressed another human did so based solely on any religious beliefs. Some people are just schmucks, haha, but the bible has inspired (key word), more bloodshed and chaos than any other force out there outside of insanity.

As for your recounting of events that you proclaim to have witnessed, I cannot form an opinion as I was not there. You put twenty eye witnesses in the room to those events and you may very well get twenty different theories as what happened. The same with the bible, twenty different people are going to interpret it twenty different ways. Let me tell you a story, my younger brother years ago now was diagnosed with cancer. Every day I had a routine, why I no longer know, I was a teenager myself at the time, of saying out loud and in private, ‘He’s going to be fine, it’s going to go away and never come back’. I’d say it out loud walking outside or if no one else was in the house. Those exact words, something a youth would say. I wasn’t praying, I was somehow trying to manipulate events believing my words would have some impact. Well, he recovered after treatment. I assumed that it was just saying those words that I willed it, a presumption of a fourteen year old kid. Five years later the cancer came back and it was stronger than ever, spread throughout his body. He died seven months after being diagnosed that time, despite my again taking up the routine of saying something similar to what I had years before. The amount of suffering he went through, plus my parents suffering of watching him and being helpless to take away the agony of a seventeen year old. You don’t do that to your own creation, God is referred to as ‘father’, well I can assure no father would permit this kind of torment in order to prove a point and strengthen faith. You don’t play chess with emotions and hope your opponent knows the relevance of the outcome. My mother prayed, in the hospital, in the car, to the priest in the hospital, in private, in public, and finally over his defeated body. And I never told her she was praying to something that wasn’t there for God would have protected my brother and all like him from unnecessary suffering. And his story isn’t the only one, for I have had friends who have suffered through the most terrible losses, other family tragedies. In such moments of great loss, I think God would owe us a brief visit. Something we can clearly see, touch, smell, hear, we shouldn’t have to worship to ‘sense’ his great divinity. If he did indeed create the universe, then he’s powerful enough to walk through the door and present himself. The fact that we have to worship, like dogs, makes me a little bitter. I don’t share your experiences, no, but likewise you don’t share mine. I was the only one there, the night before my brothers funeral with my other brother trying to comfort my father who at 3 in the morning was sitting on the floor weeping uncontrollably that he had failed.

But, my story is common, something bad happened, you throw your anger out at the guy upstairs. It was therapeutic for awhile, and then I just started questioning why I was blaming something that I didn’t believe was there in the first place. There is no logic behind, no proof, no evidence, all we have is a text written by man centuries ago. And we assume God provided these men to put those words to paper. Why do we assume that was the case? I do not believe that we were created in this life as a test run to see if we get a VIP invitiation to the next world, it's cruel to put people under this spell in my opinion. We live life, we die, the meaning of a life without God is to enjoy everything we can. Yes, be greedy. Travel, see the world, meet new people, drink, laugh, inspire good in others, help those in need, be a damn good friend to those who need friends in their lives and accept friendship from those worthy of the name friend. By greedy when it comes to all of those things, that's how I live my life.


Well written dopeyguy. Reminds me of my story. On July 25, 1977 my 18-month-old niece died from leukemia. For over 35 years now I have struggled with this "loving, caring, "father" in the sky who not only allowed her to die but didn't do a thing to save her. I know there are those who will try to tell me that God didn't allow it and that there sin in the world and the devil and soforth and so on. No, if God made the universe and us and all then God is at the least partially responsible for the bad in the world. Or it may be this that "God" isn't a man in the sky but a force that has to abide by the rules of the universe that God created. There must be balance. There is no good without bad, no light without dark. If there was only good then the universe could not exist and neither could God. God therefore can not get rid of all the evil in the world. Of course I may well be totally wrong. After all when I was a fundamentalist I performed a wedding in a bar and the people I married lost the marriage license and even when they did finally file a copy they later divorced so I am probably not the one to go to for religious advice. But I hope it helps.

T.E. Lawrence: The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts.


"No, if God made the universe and us and all then God is at the least partially responsible for the bad in the world. "

There are those who say that god created everything. If so, he created evil and all the bad that goes with it by default if nothing else.

"God therefore can not get rid of all the evil in the world."

Then he cannot be god.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" - Goethe


Lucifer (Satan) was a beautiful Angel before rebelling against God and wanting to become God himself. God cast Lucifer and the angels joining him to earth and this is when evil became in the world. Satan is prince of this world right now and the terrible things that happen are caused by him! Yes, God allows those things to happen for a reason but there will come a day when there will be no more sorrow, pain, sickness, etc. When Jesus comes back to this earth to rule and every knee shall bow and confess that he is Lord.

You can find all this out in the Bible. Do you believe the Bible? Have doubts? Well, here is some food for thought...

The Bible stated that the earth is round in Isaiah 40:22; 3,000 years before man knew the earth was round and not flat!

Here's another...

Man did not know life was in the blood until the discovery of the circulation of the blood by the scientist William Harvey, in about 1620, that biological "life" really is maintained by the blood, which both brings nourishment to all parts of the body and also eliminates its wastes.
The Bible had already stated that the life of the flesh is in the blood.
See Leviticus 17:11.
