MovieChat Forums > Fireproof (2008) Discussion > I Am Giving Up On Christianity...

I Am Giving Up On Christianity...

That's right, I'm giving up on Christianity. Because some aspects about it just don't seem right to me.

What's bothering me most about it is the Christian attitude towards homosexuality. Now, I'm not homosexual, but I know many people who are. And I used to be against it, blindly, because my church told me to be. But as I think more and more about it... why the hate and condemning??? So a person is not attractive to the opposite sex... does this mean that they're wrong to be attracted to the same sex and that they're going to hell because of this???

Consider this. No, seriously... hear me out and think about this. Imagine, if you will, that you are in love with somebody. Completely and fully in love. You'd do anything for this person, you care about this person more than anything else. You love them, and they love you. They're the one for you. One day, a new law is passed that the person you love must line up with certain guidelines, or else you can't be with them. Let's imagine the government was really like this, controlling who we are supposed to love and be with. And let's say the person you loved didn't match up with the guidelines you were supposed to follow. So now apparently you two can't be together. But you LOVE this person! How could such a thing happen? Are you really supposed to now break up with the love of your life and go find someone else who supposedly "matches" up with you, according to law? Are you REALLY supposed to say, ""You know what, they're right. I truly love this person, but just to be safe, I'd better break up with my love and go find someone else that I am 'supposed' to be with."

NO. This would NEVER happen. So why is Christianity trying to control who people are supposed to LOVE and BE WITH? How dare you try to tell someone who to love and who not to?? You can't control who a person falls in love with!! A person CANNOT be condemned for FALLING IN LOVE. I don't care what gender, NOBODY can or should be condemned for loving another human being. A person cannot help who they fall in love with. Can YOU? Like the color of a person's skin, a person's sexuality, most of the time, cannot be chosen. If a person loves and is attracted to the same gender, how on earth is it right to force them to love the opposite gender, when clearly they can't? How can you possibly believe that it is a sin to love someone... no matter who it is...

Christians need to stop referring to the OLD Testament and start turning their attention on this topic to the NEW Testament, what JESUS says. JESUS taught love. He hung around the "minorities" and everyone was welcome to listen to the vital life lessons he taught. He said "Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself". Why are Christians openly hating gay people so much? Or, the so-called "sin" of gay people? Jesus wouldn't be condemning them. Jesus wouldn't hate them. Jesus would show them love. Jesus wouldn't turn them away. Christians need to do the same, but sadly, it doesn't seem like it's going to happen. If they want to change, they'll change. If not, well, I can't say I'd blame them.

Anyway, I don't know if this all flowed well together, but I knew I wanted to say something about homosexuality, and the fact that I'm giving up on Christianity because not many Christians are seeing sense about the topic, and I don't want to be included anymore.

I'm giving up on Christianity... to follow Jesus. He is the way. He is love. Not discrimination, hate, or condemning.


The truth is we are all in a fallen world, all broken and born with a sinful nature, all in a spiritual battle, and all in need of Jesus who is the only one who can free from Satan's bondage. This is why it's so very important to stay very close to Jesus and be in His Word. No matter what sin Satan has us trapped in, whether drunkenness, theft, homosexuality, adultry, pornography, drugs, or any other sin, we have a Lord and Savior, Jesus, who will break those chains when we turn to Him. We need to proclaim Jesus' freeing power whenever someone is struggling with something and pray for them.   Jesus freed me from Satan's bondage and He will do the same for anyone and everyone who will let Him.  When we completely surrender our will to The Lord's and want to truly follow Him, the Holy Spirit comes in lives in us and helps us to be more and more like Christ.  I would be hateful to encourage sin instead of praying for people.

I belong to Jesus: my Lord, Savior, my eternity, my everything. I love you, Jesus!


Christianity is about following Jesus Christ. Jesus was God in the flesh. He is part of the trinity of God. God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. Confusing? Look at it this way: you take water, it has 3 forms. If you freeze water, it is ice, if the water evaporates it is a mist. They all 3 are still water.

To say you are turning away from Christianity and following Jesus does not work as I mentioned above.

You are right about Christians should not hate homosexuals. We are to love them BUT we are to show them that homosexuality is a sin as well is having sexual relations with animals as stated in Leviticus 18:22. To say homosexuality is okay is another sinful lie of the devil to deceive many. Satan walks the earth seeking whom he may devour. He is sly, deceitful, he can appear as an angel of light when he is actually an angel of darkness!

We have never needed Jesus Christ in this world as much as we need him today. He is real and so is Satan. Satan is running rampant because he knows his time is short.

You mentioned the old testament and new testament. Jesus said in Matthew 5 that he came to fulfil the law not to destroy the law. We are no longer condemned by the law but we are still to live by it. Jesus came to give us salvation through grace by shedding his blood to pay for our sins. He paid the price that we could not. We are still to follow him and do as he said, to the best of our ability, and when we fall short and fail, we sincerely ask him to forgive us and he said that he would.


finally back on here, I just seen your comment you said it all! amen kenday1 :D † shalom in Christ to you I liked the "christian based" movie, not the cliche type, but more realistic.
