MovieChat Forums > Fireproof (2008) Discussion > I Am Giving Up On Christianity...

I Am Giving Up On Christianity...

That's right, I'm giving up on Christianity. Because some aspects about it just don't seem right to me.

What's bothering me most about it is the Christian attitude towards homosexuality. Now, I'm not homosexual, but I know many people who are. And I used to be against it, blindly, because my church told me to be. But as I think more and more about it... why the hate and condemning??? So a person is not attractive to the opposite sex... does this mean that they're wrong to be attracted to the same sex and that they're going to hell because of this???

Consider this. No, seriously... hear me out and think about this. Imagine, if you will, that you are in love with somebody. Completely and fully in love. You'd do anything for this person, you care about this person more than anything else. You love them, and they love you. They're the one for you. One day, a new law is passed that the person you love must line up with certain guidelines, or else you can't be with them. Let's imagine the government was really like this, controlling who we are supposed to love and be with. And let's say the person you loved didn't match up with the guidelines you were supposed to follow. So now apparently you two can't be together. But you LOVE this person! How could such a thing happen? Are you really supposed to now break up with the love of your life and go find someone else who supposedly "matches" up with you, according to law? Are you REALLY supposed to say, ""You know what, they're right. I truly love this person, but just to be safe, I'd better break up with my love and go find someone else that I am 'supposed' to be with."

NO. This would NEVER happen. So why is Christianity trying to control who people are supposed to LOVE and BE WITH? How dare you try to tell someone who to love and who not to?? You can't control who a person falls in love with!! A person CANNOT be condemned for FALLING IN LOVE. I don't care what gender, NOBODY can or should be condemned for loving another human being. A person cannot help who they fall in love with. Can YOU? Like the color of a person's skin, a person's sexuality, most of the time, cannot be chosen. If a person loves and is attracted to the same gender, how on earth is it right to force them to love the opposite gender, when clearly they can't? How can you possibly believe that it is a sin to love someone... no matter who it is...

Christians need to stop referring to the OLD Testament and start turning their attention on this topic to the NEW Testament, what JESUS says. JESUS taught love. He hung around the "minorities" and everyone was welcome to listen to the vital life lessons he taught. He said "Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself". Why are Christians openly hating gay people so much? Or, the so-called "sin" of gay people? Jesus wouldn't be condemning them. Jesus wouldn't hate them. Jesus would show them love. Jesus wouldn't turn them away. Christians need to do the same, but sadly, it doesn't seem like it's going to happen. If they want to change, they'll change. If not, well, I can't say I'd blame them.

Anyway, I don't know if this all flowed well together, but I knew I wanted to say something about homosexuality, and the fact that I'm giving up on Christianity because not many Christians are seeing sense about the topic, and I don't want to be included anymore.

I'm giving up on Christianity... to follow Jesus. He is the way. He is love. Not discrimination, hate, or condemning.


well actually the bible says that if a man lies with another man he can not enter the kingdom of heaven so according to the bible it is a sin to engage in homosexual sex


Thank you everybody for contributing to another hilarious thread on the Fireproof board!



The Bible is God's inspired word. It is not just a book. It's sad that many people believe that it is just a book.

Homosexuality is a sin, but that does not mean we are supposed to hate people who are living that lifestyle. It also does not mean we support their lifestyle. We are supposed to say that the lifestyle is wrong, and show love and compassion at the same time.

The Pharisees brought Jesus a woman caught in adultery. They were trying to trick him. He told that the one without sin should cast the first stone. They all left. Jesus then showed mercy to the woman, but told her to leave her life of sin. He didn't condemn her to death, but he also did not support the lifestyle she was living.

Just because a person approaches people about the sin in their lives, does not mean the person hates the people that they are approaching. I realize that some people do approach them out of hate or in a hateful way. This certainly isn't true of all people. Some people are genuinely concerned about and love the people they approach.

Following Christ was never supposed to be about hating others. Jesus died on the cross so that people could be saved. That certainly wasn't a show of hatred on his part.


you don't need to be a Christian to see that homosexuality is wrong. It's disgusting, unsanitary, and unnatural.


In what way is being attracted to members of your own gender disgusting, unsanitary, or unnatural?


And just exactly what does this rant have to do with the movie?



I spent an hour and a half the other day speaking with a co-worker about his belief in Jesus and the Bible and all the stories and the thing that makes religion just such an excellent, EXCELLENT thing to stand behind is that you do not have the disposition to try and explain yourself as to why people should listen to you. Any logical question asked by those around you as to the Bible being the word of God is always responded by the phrase "Because I believe it to be true."

Yet if I was to say that I believed the sky was green and believed the sky was green to be a true statement I'd be locked up in a looney bin.

One thing the conversation came back to every time when I was talking to my co-worker was that Adam and Eve is a cruel story about God creating man and giving them one rule: Do not try and obtain knowledge.

God expected them to blindly follow his one law and that was to never seek knowledge. God never, ever once warned them about Lucifer. God never once told them that they would have to worry about temptation, that they should not listen to anyone but him. If you and another human were the only speaking creatures in paradise, and something started to talk to you, would you not believe that was God communicating through an animal?

Another factor was Noah's story. God is infallible according to Christians and whatnot, so why in the world did he make it rain for 40 days and nights? He sought to wipe clean humanity from the earth because, for all he knew, he had made a MISTAKE. If God didn't make a mistake then his plan was to create humanity, get bored with how they developed, and then kill them all save for one man and his very, very, very small family.

Naturally if Noah and his family were the only ones to survive, how did the earth repopulate? Oh...right...Incest gets a free pass if you have to repopulate the world.

See it's stories like that which makes me question how Christian's can have such blind faith. To be controlled and abused the way they are. Jesus sounds like a pretty alright dude, not gonna lie, but if you think for a moment you are throwing yourself up there on the cross with Jesus because you are trying to 'save the gays' then you're downright delusional.


:S I'm just feeling unhappy about the discussion over all ...
for the one who is talking about the bible , that it's written by men etc ,,, you are right , and some are lost in translation or just an addition ... may be

but this way you take what you like ... and refuse what you don't like ... it's like a religion of your own ...

it's nature that we are bound to mistake ... what is prohibited tastes good because what is banned is loved .
this is the point of prohibited things .. harmful to the person or the community. may be it will be harmful on time , or long term , or else . at the end of him when he meets God .

I'm not going to talk about homosexuality or anything in specific .

but let's look through history and all the religions for common grounds ... those common grounds can't be wrong . cause those religions came unto mankind through times and places .. yet the same message ..

try to seek more information for you and the people who you really love . read about all the religions from it's own point of view . don't read about some religion from another religions point of view or you are going to get totally different information claimed to be true ...

and May God bless all of us with knowledge and wisdom that we need to be able to take the decisions and make our minds about everything in the best way.

( the point that you all talked about it too much ... difference between sins ... some one like Hitler can go to heaven or not etc .... read about the different views of going to heaven or hell in many religions may be you will work it out with your mind ... those stuff need to be read by yourself , then you think with logic . and with the blessing from God , only if you really seek the truth with your heart ... He knows that , and he will guide you . just be more broad minded ( may be you are already I don't know I'm not judging you :) )

finally ... I wish all of you the best in everything ...


I feel truly sad for those who look at the bible like a rule book. I think the miss the who entire point of Gods love and salvation. We will all commit sin and when it comes down to it it's accepting the Lord as your savior that gets us to heaven.

We all fall for in Gods eyes. Homosexuals are no more or less sinful than the rest of us. What angers me though is that there are Christians out there who have so much hate in there hearts that they chase others out of the church who don't feel exactly the same as they do.


yes we are all sinners , but one sin is different from the others ,,, yet all of that will be judged by the Creator of the universe .... we are not gods to judge people ,,,

but that doesn't mean I should accept what i see is wrong ,,, I'm not going to force someone into something he doesn't like ,, and in the same time , I will avoid him on what I don't see is right

as long as his actions doesn't harm me , He is free , once I'm harmed , then we set on table of negotiations and start talking , no talking useful , I'm not standing still while my right is being taken ...

that's how things should work in my opinion

May God Bless every one of us with the wisdom needed to make the right decisions :)
