MovieChat Forums > Scream (2022) Discussion > ***Spoilers*** That was not good

***Spoilers*** That was not good

I don't know what to say.

So I got someone to watch this with me. That part went fine. The film, however. Bruh...

The only thing that made an impact was Dewey's death. I hate it because the rest of the film is a joke.

Dewey being distracted by the phone ringing and then being overpowered by a female. Man with gun vs woman with a knife (or two). You do the math.

Too meta. Too much cursing. I'm sure people who dislike this film are gonna be met with the meta argument. The casting, the acting. Terrible. Ineffective suspense.

The shower scene was nice.

Unhinged villain chick was unnecessary. Their motive was too crazy and too similar to the villains in the superior first sequel.

Can't believe people are rating this so high and higher than the first and second installments. I agree with Jeremy Jahns that the finger pointing was unnecessary.

The chick who played Sam was terrible and I usually don't care about acting performances.

Scream 2 is still the best IMO.


I thought it was ok.
The kills were brutal and modern texting and hacking the door app in the opening scene was cool.

Dewey's death was fine and everyone was expecting it, but they made it one of those annoying avoidable deaths that everyone hates. They should have gotten creative and had Dewey get off one last headshot at Ghostface being dying.
That would have been a new twist. Reveal the identity of one killer halfway through and leave everyone wondering if they were working alone and who the partner(s) may be if they have one.
You get a new twist and Dewey goes out like a badass.

It would have made for a better 3rd act, because it was rushed and a letdown and the motive was lame.


I overall really enjoyed it but the killers motivation is what threw me off. So like the real reason why they're starting yet another massacre is because of the toxic Stab franchise fandom? It was disappointing that it had nothing to do with the past regarding Sam being Billy's daughter nor it had any relation to Sydney.


I am comforted and soothed to learn that this obvious cash-grab and teat-milk was every bit the cluster fuck I thought it would be.


The movie was enjoyable but 2 things bothered me:

Where was Tara & Sam's mother? Your daughter is attacked and almost killed and you are NO WHERE. Yeah I heard the mention about her "drinking" but that doesn't cover for it.

Who works at the hospital?
When the killer comes for Tara, the lights go out and all that Tara comes across is a dead security guard. Where was everyone? No staff, no other patients.


I thought Judy and her sons death was pretty impactful, and probably the best sequence in the film. So for me at least Dewey's wasn't the only impactful death.

So because Dewey is a man, he can't be killed by a girl? You said it yourself, he was distracted, you don't need to be superhuman to kill a man who's distracted.

The entire franchise has always been meta so I don't get the complaint about this one being meta too?

Unhinged villain chick was a complete bore until she went... well, unhinged.

I absolutely agree with you about the actress who played Sam though, she was the clear weak link in the cast and her acting was pretty bad. I hope they ditch the idea of her being the new Sidney and kill her off in the opening if they make a sequel. The actress who played Tara was far better and could carry a film better.


"So because Dewey is a man, he can't be killed by a girl? You said it yourself, he was distracted, you don't need to be superhuman to kill a man who's distracted."


It was too stupid for me.


I agree some of it was really stupid but I didn't find the girl being able to kill him the stupid part, it was how they got to that point that I found stupid. Dewey should have shot her in the head the moment he had her "knocked out" on the ground from the chest shots, instead of making him go back and then get distracted.


The way he finally gets stabbed could happen to anyone, but the way they fought the entire time before that happened was ridiculous, considering Amber is like 5'2 and 110lbs soaking wet.
In reality, even with a buck knife and kevlar, a guy whose at least 6' and armed with a pistol should have been able to make it out fairly easily.
But you have to remember that with the Scream films some suspension disbelief has always been nessesasary.
It's always just been a person in a Halloween costume, but when they become "Ghostface" they seem to take on superhuman abilities almost like an evil Batman or something lol.
At least with the orginal, it was not far fetched that two guys like Billy and Stu were able to pull it off.


“ Unhinged villain chick was unnecessary.”

Oh you mean the reincarnation of the Mason girl from Once Upon A Time In Hollywood?

How in the HELL did Billy have a kid and who’s the Mom?

It doesn’t make ANY sense that everyone in that small town knew about Sidney’s Mom, yet no one knew Billy got a girl knocked up in high school? Especially after it came out he was a serial killer. Crazy burn bitch knew, but no one else? It doesn’t make sense. It’s so dumb that I can’t even suspend disbelief. In Scream 3, sure I could suspend disbelief because it was set up in a very plausible way using the infamous “casting couch” auditions. Those were real and a lot if classic Hollywood actresses unabashedly admitted it, then you have the less willing participants. That actually happened so yeah, Sidney’s Mom having a kid after unwilling casting couch auditions makes sense. But you can’t have a character say, “It’s a small town!” in re: Sam being Billy’s kid yet no one, no one, not even super sleuth Gale Weathers, found that golden nugget while digging into Sidney’s Mom’s affair and Sidney’s family?

And who is the Mom and where the hell was she throughout this entire movie? Then the bullshit of Sam talking to Billy…WHAT?

Scream should have ended at 3. I’ve found no need for 4, Scream 2022, and whatever Scream 6 will be.

I WILL say, in 4, I liked the beginning, the watching a movie of a movie watching a movie. It went down hill after that, but not as bad as Scream 2022. I’m not happy because I paid $6.00 to rent it when I could have rented a better movie.

Was this even released in theaters?
