without the White Walkers

I wonder if this show will be as interesting. In Game of Thrones, they drove the plot for all but the last three episodes, and we won't have that narrative force here.


The white walkers were such a dumb concept that the writers had to have the humans use retard tactics just to make them seem like they posed a threat. "Let's all take positions outside a fortified castle so they can kill us more easily and force us to retreat inside."


Also, in GoT, there were so many fascinating characters, but I didn't see anything promising so far. Daemon is a power hungry psychopath that gets away with it due to his status, but I don't think he does it with nearly as much flair as Ramsay Bolton.

Just one episode though. Will keep watching and see where it goes.


What double dumb did with the White Walkers in season 7 and 8 was ridiculous. They were supposed to be the ultimate enemy in the show, covering the entire land in snow and eventually making their way to Kings Landing. Instead they are quickly dispatched and annoying Cersei becomes the final villain. Lame.
