What is wrong with people ?

Just added to my watch list.

It is just too bad that we the living can not go back and punish and re-kill the dead for screwing up the planet like it is, and setting in place a political system that force most people to be lonely, miserable and unhappy.


Stop reading Marx! The guy was lonely, miserable and unhappy.


Your comments are so useless.
Marx is one of the only economists going back over 100 years that is still fresh and relevant to the world economy today. His critiques of capitalism are brilliant and even more germane to the world economy and politics today - but I am sure you have not and never will read them.


Communist detected. Well, you're right, Marx is zeh best. You should move to Russia or China to experience the full vision of Marxism and enjoy the utopia and dream they aspire to be.


Russia and China are not Marxist. There is no Marxist, it's made up.
You might know that if you ever read a book instead of watching FOX
News. Marx wrote critiques of Capitalism that are exactly correct and
more relevant than other economists of his time and before.

Basically all you got is to name call ... and names you don't even understand.
