Had some interesting ideas

Honestly, there were some fun/nostalgic concepts in this, and the first half of the movie wasn't THAT bad. However, the second half...especially the end, was an absolute dumpster fire :(

It probably would have been served best as a more simple love conquers all type of flick instead becoming so convoluted.


I'm sort of glad to hear that in a way. I turned it off during the first act. I could tell I was going to be severely disappointed and somehow not finishing it softened the blow a little.


well at least someones said at lease one semi nice thing about a part of the movie!

I thought the second half was ok ,
apart from the big action scene with raining bodies ... a bit over the top .


I watched it again, so many scenes were not necessary, the plot was "rescue Trinity" on paper would have been great but the execution did not work. The homosexual subtext in the phone clip with Neo "friend" Jude asking he is alone. The camera pans to some dodgy men, with Jude replying "That is "That is kind of a sexy question".

On you tube there are plenty Reaction videos, which are popular.


Girls and Boys do not want to see homosexual undertones. Hollywood is on campaign to bring this into the mainstream.


Hollywood is on campaign to make money
that is all
