Question about Smith

So, I gather “Morpehous” was a copy of our old Morpheous, a sort of morph between the Morpheous and Smith from the old movies, the movie tells us... okay, I get that, I think. But who is that pretty-boy Smith then?

Was it our Smith that somehow didn't get deleted, an somehow recreated in the new Matrix (how, btw?)

Was it another copy or imitation, like Morlheous-the copy was? If so, why?


I'm still trying to figure out how Smith even exists anymore. I thought he was completely wiped out by Neo in Revolutions and then the Matrix rebooted.


Assuming that Wachowski even thought this one out, and ignoring fringe theories about what the fuck happened in Revolutions including my own...

I think we can just assume this simply as: Smith existed automatically as a function of Neo/Trinity/The One. Because isn't that basically what happened in the original trilogy? The One stems from a hole in the coding of the Matrix, but its existence defines and facilitates Smith, which is why Smith came back after being destroyed in Part 1. If the One exists, Smith has to exist. I'm pretty sure the Analyst knew this and tried to keep them all locked in place.

[Please correct me if wrong lol, Matrix lore has never been my forte]


You're probably right, he was always the "0" to Neo's "1", the opposite code effect. But I wonder, how was Smith able to retain his memories of the past, or maybe he just acted like he knew the past. I gotta watch it again anyways.


Yeah I can buy the Neo memory thing; I can even buy the Trinity memory thing...but Smith's memories. Ugh if you find anything on future viewings, be sure to come back.

I have some ideas, but it feels so much like fanfiction because I don't think Wachowski gave us enough to work with, and I'm just shoving this movie into a framework that makes sense to writing a high school english paper lol

or maybe he just acted like he knew the past.

Shit that's the kicker too, and kinda feeds into the conversation about memory I was just having with samoanjoes. But maybe we're overthinking this. I just pulled up the movie again, and got to the scene before the Merovingian. New Smith says that Neo never appreciated their bond, but the Analyst did.

So in a way, the Analyst is utilizing the Neo/Smith animosity similarly to the Neo/Trinity intimacy in order to drive Neo. Clearly Trinity was able to recover her own memories, so maybe similarly, Smith undoubtedly had memories hidden in his code.


Young Morpheus is a computer program patterned after Morpheus (and Smith). He's just something Neo wrote.

Pretty boy Smith is in fact, Smith*. He is not a copy*.

*Insofar that Neo isn't a copy either.
