They gave up too easily

Why not try to put down the fire in one of the houses? Or even just dig a whole in the ground fir one night and then work on a better solution the following night. Plus its not like all the houses will burn to complete ash.

Yes lets just stand and wait until we are burned alive.


they knew there was no future.


How so?


they would have run out of blood donors


Everything about the ending was too easy. They all line up and join the murder cannibal cult, feel bad a few hours later, and like you said, don't even try to survive. It wasn't believable at all how easily these people turn, only to do an about face, then quit on life.The ending REALLY rubbed me the wrong way.


Yeah and burning down all of the buildings when their only way to survive was being inside during the day.


That's another thing, yeah! It was such an incredible build up, but that finale really knocks the show down several notches.It was so messy and unbelievable.


so glad I quit this boring show after the 4th episode.


Went through all those monologues for that ending. Ugh.


Right?! I ignored how annoying and rambly they were because I was sooo engrossed in the show, but that ending?! Everything I was luke warm on was magnified


the fact that there are 7 episodes is a bit strange, usually it's 6, 8 or 10, may be they initially planned 8 but ran out of time or money so made 7 and kind of rushed the ending.
