First Major Goof

Is with the scene where Rose heals from her horrific injuries.

To be fair, it's a pretty awesome scene: they manage to be horrific, fascinating, expository and amazing in one fell swoop. BUT:

If she can heal like that, what's the problem with her eye???????

Shrug. Maybe there's a No-Prize in there, somehow. . .


She can heal, but probably can't grow back detached if her eye was plucked out...the socket just closes over. I guess.


Her father Slade has the same disadvantage when it comes to the fast healing abilities with the exception that they are not able to regrow organs.


I get that. . .I really do. I guess I didn't phrase it right: a healing factor that could repair the horrific injuries she sustained SHOULD be able to repair her eye. . .plucked out or damaged. In other words: writing based on convenience, rather than logic. TBH, I doubt they even thought of it; opting instead for the Big Reveal instead of a logical progression. Ah well.


If that was passed down genetically, than Jerico should have the same ability.....yet he lost his ability to speak.
